October 9, 2024

Brief introduction to feedback and forms in @MenuBuilderBot

Feedback and forms feature allows admins of bots made using @MenuBuilderBot to ask various questions to users and collect their answers.

Русская версия мануала находится здесь.

Feedback is integrated to the main menu constriction model. The main instrument of the feedback is the "Question".

Types of the Question

In the current revision there are three types of questions:

  • Single Answer Question
    User can and should give an answer in one message
  • Multi Answer Question
    User can reply with any number of messages (at least one message is required)
  • Choose one Answer Question
    User can and shoud give an answer selecting them with a list of possible answers

All reply message can be as rich as possible: with markdown, links, attached photo, document or media.

How to create simple feedback

1. Create the button and open post editor as you usually do

2. Go inside your button and press "Add question".

3. Select the type of your question

4. Enter the question text in the same way you make messages

5. Send it and you'are done

When user press the button, he'll see the question and bot will wait for his answer:

If the user press "cancel" - he'll be sent back to the previous screen. If he'll send message - he'll be allowed to go forward (if there will be anything else inside that menu).

How you'll get answers

Ater user complete the form (in the case of simple feedback - send the answer) all bot admins will be notified in the bot about that fact. The notification will

  • contain form name (the name of the button where questions are located)
  • form questions
  • user answer for each question (or answers for Multi Answer Question)

How to create complex form

Creation of complex forms are quite simple: they are just the combination of messages, questions of various types and buttons.

For example, you can add an intro message, then add one or several questions, then add "thank you" message and show some buttons to go deeper to your menu.

It can look like this:

What will see user?

Intro message and first simple question

After the answer he'll get the next question. Do you see the "Send" button? Bot will accept answers until user press it.

Second multi question
First user answer
Second user answer
User send answers to the second question and got the third one
Aftr the final answer user will get access to the underlying buttons and menus
And bot admins will receive all user answers

All @MenuBuilderBot tutorials
