July 18, 2024

0g Storage Node User Guide

This article is a direct continuation of the previous article on the 0g_labs project, so if someone has not seen it, then be sure to follow this link and get acquainted with it, and then go here.

Hardware Requirements

  • RAM - 16 GB
  • CPU - 4 cores
  • Disk - 1 TB NVME SSD
  • Bandwidth - 500 MBps

Check Dependencies

Make sure that you have all the necessary modules installed, namely Golang, rustup.

Clone and Build the source code

git clone -b v0.3.3 https://github.com/0glabs/0g-storage-node.git

Build the source code:

cd 0g-storage-node
git submodule update --init

# Build in release mode
cargo build --release


After that, we need to check and put down all the missing values in the run/config.toml file

network_boot_nodes = ["/ip4/","/ip4/","/ip4/"]

Run Storage Node

After we have changed all the parameters necessary to run the node, we can run it. This is done with the following command:

cd run

# consider using tmux in order to run in background
../target/release/zgs_node --config config-testnet.toml --miner-key <your_private_key> --blockchain-rpc-endpoint <blockchain_rpc> --db-max-num-chunks <max_chunk_num>