July 25

Aleo Instructions and snarkVM: A Comprehensive Guide


Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Aleo instructions and snarkVM. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Aleo instructions, the intermediate representation of Aleo programs. All Leo programs are compiled into Aleo instructions, which are then compiled into bytecode. Understanding Aleo instructions is crucial for those interested in fine-grained circuit design or implementing a compiler that reads a high-level language other than Leo and runs on Aleo.

Aleo Instructions Overview

Aleo programs are defined in files with a .aleo extension. These programs contain Aleo instructions, which are akin to an assembly-like programming language. Aleo instructions serve as an intermediate step between high-level Leo programs and the low-level bytecode executed by the Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM).

The Compilation Process

  1. Leo to Aleo Instructions: High-level Leo programs are first compiled into Aleo instructions. This step involves translating the more abstract and user-friendly Leo syntax into a more granular and detailed set of operations.
  2. Aleo Instructions to Bytecode: The Aleo instructions are then compiled into AVM opcodes, the bytecode that the Aleo Virtual Machine can execute. This bytecode is optimized for execution efficiency and security within the AVM.

Key Concepts and Features

1. File Import

In Aleo, you can import modules or other program files to utilize their functions, records, and other definitions.

import foo.aleo;

This statement imports the foo.aleo file, allowing you to use its contents in your current program.

2. Programs

An Aleo program is defined with the program keyword followed by the program name. Inside the program block, you can define various elements such as records, functions, and transitions.

program hello.aleo {
    // code

This defines a new program named hello.aleo.

3. Data Types

Aleo supports several primitive data types essential for blockchain programming:

  • Boolean: Represents a true or false value.
  • Unsigned Integer: Represents non-negative integers with different bit sizes (e.g., u8, u32).
  • Field Element: Represents elements of a finite field, useful in cryptographic operations.
  • Group Element: Represents elements of a cryptographic group.
  • Scalar Element: Used in elliptic curve cryptography operations.
  • Address: Represents a user or contract address on the Aleo blockchain.
let b: bool = false; // boolean
let i: u8 = 1u8; // unsigned integer
let a: field = 1field; // field element
let g: group = 0group; // group element
let s: scalar = 1scalar; // scalar element
let receiver: address = aleo1ezamst4pjgj9zfxqq0fwfj8a4cjuqndmasgata3hggzqygggnyfq6kmyd4; // address

Type Casting Type casting allows you to convert a value from one type to another.

let a: u8 = 1u8;
let b: u32 = a as u32; // cast 1u8 to 1u32

4. Records

Records in Aleo are used to group related data together under one name.

record token {
    owner: address,
    amount: u64,

This defines a token record with two fields: owner (an address) and amount (an unsigned 64-bit integer).

5. Structs

Structs in Aleo provide a way to model more complex data structures.

struct message {
    sender: address,
    object: u64,

This defines a message struct with a sender (an address) and an object (an unsigned 64-bit integer).

6. Arrays

Arrays in Aleo are collections of elements of the same type.

let arr: [bool; 2] = [true, false];

This creates an array arr of two boolean values, true and false.

7. Transitions

Transitions define state changes in the blockchain and can take public or private inputs to produce a new state.

transition mint_public(
    public receiver: address,
    public amount: u64,
) -> token {
    // Your code here

This mint_public transition takes a receiver address and an amount, returning a token record.

8. Functions

Functions in Aleo are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks.

function compute(a: u64, b: u64) -> u64 {
    return a + b;

This compute function takes two unsigned 64-bit integers and returns their sum.

9. Inline Functions

Inline functions are more restricted and meant for simple, reusable code snippets.

inline foo(
    a: field,
    b: field,
) -> field {
    return a + b;

This foo inline function adds two field elements and returns the result.

Function rules:

  • Transition functions can call functions and inline functions.
  • Function functions can only call inline functions.
  • Inline functions can only call other inline functions.
  • Recursive calls (direct or indirect) are not allowed.

10. For Loops

For loops iterate over a range of values.

let count: u32 = 0u32;

for i: u32 in 0u32..5u32 {
    count += 1u32;

This loop increments count from 0 to 5.

11. Mappings

Mappings associate keys with values, similar to dictionaries or hash maps.

mapping balances: address => u64;

let contains_bal: bool = Mapping::contains(balances, receiver);
let get_bal: u64 = Mapping::get(balances, receiver);
let get_or_use_bal: u64 = Mapping::get_or_use(balances, receiver, 0u64);
let set_bal: () = Mapping::set(balances, receiver, 100u64);
let remove_bal: () = Mapping::remove(balances, receiver);

12. Commands

Commands perform specific blockchain operations, such as asserting conditions or generating random numbers.

transition matches(height: u32) -> Future { 
    return check_height_matches(height); 

async function check_height_matches(height: u32) {
    assert_eq(height, block.height); // block.height returns the latest block height

let g: group = group::GEN; // the group generator
let result: u32 = ChaCha::rand_u32(); // generate a random u32
let owner: address = self.caller; // address of the program function caller
let hash: field = BHP256::hash_to_field(1u32); // hash any type to a field
let commit: group = Pedersen64::commit_to_group(1u64, 1scalar); // commit using a scalar as a blinding factor

let a: bool = true;
assert(a); // assert the value of a is true

let a: u8 = 1u8;
let b: u8 = 2u8;
assert_eq(a, a); // assert a and b are equal
assert_neq(a, b); // assert a and b are not equal

13. Operators

Operators perform arithmetic, bitwise, and logical operations on data.

let sum: u64 = a + b; // arithmetic addition
let diff: u64 = a - b; // arithmetic subtraction
let prod: u64 = a * b; // arithmetic multiplication
let quot: u64 = a / b; // arithmetic division
let remainder: u64 = a % b; // arithmetic remainder
let neg: u64 = -a; // negation

let bitwise_and: u64 = a & b; // bitwise AND
let bitwise_or: u64 = a | b; // bitwise OR
let bitwise_xor: u64 = a ^ b; // bitwise XOR
let bitwise_not: u64 = !a; // bitwise NOT

let logical_and: bool = a && b; // logical AND
let logical_or: bool = a || b; // logical OR
let eq: bool = a == b; // equality
let neq: bool = a != b; // non-equality
let lt: bool = a < b; // less than
let lte: bool = a <= b; // less than or equal
let gt: bool = a > b; // greater than
let gte: bool = a >= b; // greater than or equal


Understanding Aleo instructions and snarkVM is essential for anyone looking to delve deeper into the Aleo ecosystem. By mastering the intermediate representation of Aleo programs, developers can achieve fine-grained control over their circuit designs and optimize their applications for the Aleo blockchain. Whether you're transitioning from Leo or implementing a new compiler, this guide serves as a foundational resource for working with Aleo instructions and snarkVM.