January 7, 2019

Нападение грозного чихуахуа, или Дали дураку пистолет

Конуэй, Арканзас. 04.01.2019.

Под катом заявление шерифа. Коротко - противоправных действий не найдено, но зама он освободил от работы и направил дело в прокуратуру. Собакен, кстати, остался живой. Сейчас на его лечение деньги местные собирают.

"Good Evening,

Since taking office in 2017, I have been an advocate of integrity, professionalism and transparency. I hold my Deputies to the highest of standards to protect and serve the residents of our community. Unfortunately, a Deputy fell short to those standards.
I was notified Friday of an incident involving Deputy Keenan Wallace. Deputy Wallace fired his service weapon that injured an animal while in close proximity to a citizen. I believe there were numerous opportunities to de-escalate the incident.
Over the last 24 hours, at my request, Faulkner County Investigators have been working diligently to investigate whether Deputy Wallace violated any state law or our agency’s policies and procedures. While it appears no policies or laws were violated, I hold every employee within our agency to the highest of standards and will be forwarding the investigation to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for further review.
As a result of the incident that occurred on January 4, 2019, in the Shiloh Estates Subdivision, Deputy Keenan Wallace has been relieved of his duties at the Faulkner County Sheriff’ Office.
We in Law Enforcement answer calls every day that require split second life and death decisions. We strive to be right 100 percent of the time.
Our Department is sadden about this incident and apologize for any distress and disappointment this incident has caused anyone who was affected by this disheartening event. We will keep Reeses in our thoughts through the recovery process.

Sheriff Tim Ryals" (с) https://www.facebook.com/fcsoar/posts/2408000799211518
