June 9, 2020

Hydrogel Dressings-an overview | Key Players(Biodex Medical Systems, Buick, Chevrolet)

A Geiger counter (Geiger-Muller tube) is a device used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. However, it consists of a pair of electrodes surrounded by a gas. The electrodes have a high voltage across them. The gas used is usually Helium or Argon.

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key development in past five years:

- Biodex Medical Systems

- Buick

- Chevrolet


Market Dynamics:

The geiger muller market is driving due to the increasing demand for Geiger counters from the defense and law enforcement sectors. Moreover, increasing instances of terrorist attacks are also driving the increased adoption of Geiger counters in the military and defense sectors.

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