July 30

AIRCHAINS: Run a Validator Node

This guide is simple enough to understand, it will help you become a member of the project as quickly as possible!

Install the junctiond binary

wget https://github.com/airchains-network/junction/releases/download/v0.1.0/junctiond

Make the binary executable

chmod +x junctiond

Move the binary to a system-wide direct

sudo mv junctiond /usr/local/bin

Init the Node with your moniker

junctiond init <moniker>

Update Genesis.json

wget https://github.com/airchains-network/junction/releases/download/v0.1.0/genesis.json
cp genesis.json ~/.junction/config/genesis.json

Update Config

Edit ~/.junction/config/config.toml to set persistent_peers:

persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656"

Start Node

junctiond start