March 21, 2019

Nuclear Energy

Despite the wonder of nuclear energy, there remain too many disadvantages to utilizing it. First, the waste produced through nuclear energy offsets the benefits. Secondly, manufacturing comes at a high price to the health of the entire planet. Finally, the high cost of manufacturing and continual production is not feasible within most economies. These various disadvantages weigh heavily against an argument for nuclear energy.

A concern for nuclear energy is disposing of hazardous waste. Nuclear energy produces millions of gallons of radioactive waste that needs to be disposed of properly. This waste, if leached into ground water, the air, or people’s yards, can have deadly consequences for all creatures. So not only is the waste itself an issue, but the disposal of that waste has further disadvantages.

As a consequence of radioactive waste, we should be concerned about the biological consequences. In our time of nuclear energy production, there have been numerous nuclear catastrophes. Some were small-scale and others were large disasters. Even with minimal exposure, nuclear radiation and waste can cause omiting, diarrhea, or cancer. Major problems take centuries to clean up during which people lose their homes, their health, and their livelihood.

A final disadvantage to nuclear energy is the high cost. On top of the initial cost, nuclear energy reactors also require immense legal fees. Also, construction can take up to a decade, which further complicates the process costs. An additional cost is the uranium needed for a nuclear reaction. This is far beyond the power of most countries or investors to acquire.

Nuclear energy, therefore, has many disadvantages. In the process of creating energy, radioactive waste is created and must be disposed of properly. When not created safely, or when waste is not disposed of properly, nuclear energy poses an immense danger to the planet. The cost of production and safety is too high anyway. Overall, nuclear energy should not be an option for energy production.