February 21, 2021

WWH education 20-21. Part 5. «Drops intermediaries»

Lecture#6 Drops intermediaries 11.24.2020

Lecturer: isildurrr

[19:12:09] <[email protected]> I think everyone who wanted to - has already approached

[19:12:16] <[email protected]> Let's start

[19:12:22] <[email protected]> All Shalom Aleichem, colleagues

[19:12:39] <[email protected]> My nickname on the forum is Isildurr

[19:12:46] <[email protected]> Today's topic is Drops and Intermediaries.

[19:12:53] <[email protected]> The lecture will be divided into two parts. The first is about intermediaries and everything you need to know about them, the second is about Drops and how they are useful for us

[19:13:23] <[email protected]> Mail forwarding company is a logistics company that delivers goods from one country to another. It is used in 2 cases: when the shop does not have international delivery, the Intermediary will help you deliver the package from the USA, Europe and other countries to your country of residence. Many online stores do not have international delivery, which is why we have to use intermediaries and when you just want to consolidate packs. Actually, these are the two main reasons why people use intermediaries.

[19:14:19] <[email protected]> So the first reason. The store does not send goods to the Russian Federation or any other CIS country. Let's take the same Amazon, delivery to Russia is limited to a very small amount of goods, there is no liquidation at all

[19:14:36] <[email protected]> That is why we use an intermediary, pay him a certain amount of dollars, he sends the parcel to your country in a convenient way.

[19:14:55] <[email protected]> Suppose you found a store that sends goods to your country, but you understand that you need to order 3 items per week, and delivery to your country costs as much as $ 70 in the store

[19:15:08] <[email protected]> At the same time, delivery within the US or EU is free

[19:15:33] <[email protected]> Within 2 weeks, we order goods on the intermediary, the intermediary combines these goods into one parcel and sends them to you. The cost of delivery from an intermediary is about $ 50, and the total savings are about $ 300.

[19:16:07] <[email protected]> Amounts always fluctuate around $ 50, depending on the weight and volume of the parcel. Mediums over 50 are already something not for us.

[19:16:26] <[email protected]> Remember - intermediaries are made for ordinary buyers, and not for the evil cis hacker to make money from the Americans.

[19:16:34] <[email protected]> So further, step by step - search for "your" intermediary

[19:16:51] <[email protected]> In a closed section of the forum, there is a list of intermediaries around the world. You can familiarize yourself with it.

[19:17:05] <[email protected]> https://www.sendspace.com/file/dqfm4s link to download the list of intermediaries

[19:17:19] <[email protected]> How can you find “your own in the middle”? There are several stages

[19:17:35] <[email protected]> First of all, what do we do? We go and search the Internet for feedback on the work of this intermediary

[19:18:37] <[email protected]> Look fresh reviews, how he behaved in the middle several years ago, we are not particularly interested

[19:19:02] <[email protected]> Sorry, the internet is a little dumb

[19:19:10] <[email protected]> We read the reviews, if, in principle, there are isolated cases of bad behavior of the intermediary, and the rest of the reviews are good, go to the next step.

[19:19:20] <[email protected]> Go to the intermediary's website and read the FAQ

[19:19:34] <[email protected]> There we are interested in tariffs for receiving, sending, storing parcels

[19:19:49] <[email protected]> After reading the FAQ, you will have very few questions about this intermediary

[19:19:55] <[email protected]> The third and, in my opinion, the most important thing to do is to talk to support

[19:20:05] <[email protected]> We write to them by mail what interests us, you can even have a banal question, the answer to which is written in the FAQ section, you need this in order to find out how efficient the intermediary is

[19:20:13] <[email protected]> Agree, if you have any problems with your parcels, you want to get help as soon as possible from the intermediary to whom you are paying money

[19:20:37] <[email protected]> Also, the response rate of the support employee will show the speed of the intermediary

[19:20:50] <[email protected]> This concerns adding the delivered pack to your personal account, consolidation of several goods, sending speed and many other services that the intermediary can offer

[19:21:10] <[email protected]> When the answer came, we look at the errors in the text, the form of communication

If you feel that they communicate with you in a boorish way, the text is full of grammatical errors, we conclude that this is not a reliable intermediary, but a sharashkin office or, in general, our "colleagues"

[19:21:36] <[email protected]> When working with such intermediaries, you will lose packs, they will try to fuck you as much as possible, if any problems arise, they will ignore you, or they may even send you to 3 funny letters.

[19:22:01] <[email protected]> So, the normal response time is the morning of the next day after asking the question

[19:22:14] <[email protected]> It's good when there is an online chat and you get a consultation within 10 minutes. Such an intermediary can be trusted

[19:22:25] <[email protected]> So, we talked to the support service, read the reviews, we were satisfied with their conditions for storage and shipment, then we start to feel in the middle.

[19:22:47] <[email protected]> Next, I will tell you the stages of registering an account on an intermediary

[19:23:04] <[email protected]> 1. Purchase of a full set of documents (passport (first page, page with registration), snls, documents for payment of utilities (gas, water, electricity). It is done in order to when you were asked for these documents, there were no problems with their rendering.

[19:23:20] <[email protected]> 2 Prepare the system, many of them don't care about your geolocation, but still you shouldn't jerk them off too much. Take your socks close by.

[19:23:35] <[email protected]> 3. Create a stick account for scans. Verify your account. If you want to pay from it, but my advice to you. Pay with white money, do not cut the branch you are sitting on.

[19:23:46] <[email protected]> 4. Create an account in the middle.

[19:24:13] <[email protected]> 5. Make a note of the delivery address given to you. It will look like this: Ivanov Ivan // Pervays street 12, - ste street - 44201, - your cell number, so in the middle it will know that the pack has come to you. New Port, Delaware, - city, state. 17256 - index.

[19:24:36] <[email protected]> This is followed by a mid-fight check.

[19:25:02] <[email protected]> 1. Drive in in stages. We made 1 driving in, waited for delivery, saw how he reacted in the middle.

[19:25:19] <[email protected]> 2. Use different types of drives for different accounts. That is, for 1 acc we drive from the SS, on the second from the e-Gift, on the third from the stick, and so on. It is done in order to understand what is pleasant in the middle and what is not.

[19:25:42] <[email protected]> 3. Avoid intermediaries requiring credit cards or money orders for payment. Personally, I prefer those who accept payment from BTS or Paypal.

[19:26:03] <[email protected]> 4. Pay special attention to tariffs in the middle (acceptance, storage, forwarding).

[19:26:30] <[email protected]> 5. Carefully study the rules in the middle of accepting packs. Usually they write from what they accept and what not, and what documents are required at the time of receipt.

[19:26:44] <[email protected]> Work process

[19:26:53] <[email protected]> We don't pour a mountain of iPhones there

[19:27:00] <[email protected]> We drove 1 phone, 1 set-top box, we are waiting

[19:27:09] <[email protected]> The package is coming, now our main task is to send the whole thing to ourselves

[19:27:16] <[email protected]> The first thing to do is order a photo of the product, unless, of course, the product is made from a trusted store

[19:27:33] <[email protected]> Many people drive into ebay, and from ebay instead of a phone and playstation a brick and a jar of shit can come (in the literal sense), you can google, shit delivery. Sellers send slag if they burned that carzh purchase.

[19:27:47] <[email protected]> The photo usually costs $ 5, from the photo we immediately see that we have received a phone and a prefix

[19:27:57] <[email protected]> Then we send a request for consolidation and sending

[19:28:04] <[email protected]> If everyone sends without problems, then mark the intermediary as good

[19:28:10] <[email protected]> Next time you can send a little more stuff.

[19:28:15] <[email protected]> The most important thing in finding your reseller, do not think that you are a carder. You are an ordinary person who wants to use the services of the middle.

[19:28:28] <[email protected]> This is how the work looks like

[19:28:38] <[email protected]> Recommendations for working with the middle:

[19:28:58] <[email protected]> 1. Do not send a million packs immediately after registering an account. Keep track for a week, preferably 2. Send 1-2 packs per week. And gradually increase the amount. The swing rule works here, as in many other topics.

[19:29:10] <[email protected]> 2. Clearly study the rules of work in between, this will avoid losing packs

[19:29:22] <[email protected]> 3. Start a portable browser for the accounts of the paper and in the middle, and work exclusively with it. Cookies are our everything.

[19:29:45] <[email protected]> 4. Do not overload in the middle with expensive packs. It is better to have several accounts, and send a few to each. No normal person would buy 10 iPhones for themselves in 10 days. Remember this.

[19:29:58] <[email protected]> 5. Do not use in the middle, for driving expensive equipment, it is better to use a drop. This way you will not kill your account in case of a charge.

[19:30:25] <[email protected]> 6. When driving in, indicate the left phone number or GW. Do not write a phone number in the middle or in the holder.

[19:30:46] <[email protected]> About consolidation, product description, additional services and filling out a declaration.

[19:30:52] <[email protected]> Never send expensive liquid and deshman clothes together.

[19:31:03] <[email protected]> Your liquid laptop will come and lie quietly, and sneakers for 5 bucks will kill your account

[19:31:36] <[email protected]> A charge for the sneakers will come and the account will be blocked along with the laptop

[19:31:49] <[email protected]> The next reason why you don't need to send everything together is customs clearance

[19:32:25] <[email protected]> The pack will come to the customs of the Russian Federation, they will see that the laptop is expensive, they will request invoices for all goods in the pack.

[19:32:30] <[email protected]> I think it will be gemorno to draw invoices for 5 T-shirts, 3 pairs of socks, toothbrushes, razor flash drives and a laptop.

[19:32:41] <[email protected]> Liquid goods that are dear to you we send to a separate intermediary account.

[19:32:59] <[email protected]> As soon as he came to the middle, we immediately send to the Russian Federation.

[19:33:04] <[email protected]> You can also dig up illiquid stuff.

[19:33:16] <[email protected]> How to accumulate there for 500-600 dollars, we send to the Russian Federation

[19:33:26] <[email protected]> That's all sorts of nishtyaki, nice

[19:33:37] <[email protected]> In the declaration, you do not need to look up and write the brand / model of socks, flash drives, etc.

[19:33:48] <[email protected]> We just write a flash drive, the declared value is $ 5

[19:33:54] <[email protected]> Or, for example, iPhone, we write the same phone number, and at the end we can also add China.

[19:34:03] <[email protected]> immediately iPhone from $ 600 turns into a phone for 200

[19:34:55] <[email protected]> It is desirable that the iphone be used or restored. customs officers are not stupid either

[19:35:02] <[email protected]> Do not underestimate the cost of a liquid new product, brokers at customs know best of all how much a certain product model costs

[19:35:12] <[email protected]> So if you decide to indicate in the declaration that this is iphone XS max 256 GB, then you don’t need to write him the price of $ 500, no one will believe you, problems that need to be avoided will begin

[19:35:30] <[email protected]> Next, about registration in the intermediary's personal account.

[19:35:40] <[email protected]> It is better to register and access the intermediary from the country where the parcel will go

[19:35:48] <[email protected]> That is, Vasya Pupkin from the Russian Federation is registered, so we go from the IP address of the Russian Federation

[19:35:58] <[email protected]> So, we go to the site in the middle, click register

[19:36:10] <[email protected]> we fill in all the data from the purchased scan of the passport, write the phone number or invented, or if there are left SIM cards, then the numbers from them

[19:36:35] <[email protected]> We go into the account and see our address for the delivery of parcels

[19:36:41] <[email protected]> It's simple

[19:36:48] <[email protected]> What else do we see in the intermediary's office

[19:37:02] <[email protected]> There is a button to add an order. We press it when we were sent some kind of staff and given a track number

[19:37:10] <[email protected]> Add this pack to the expected

[19:37:42] <[email protected]> This is done to speed up the processing of your parcel and add to your personal account

[19:38:40] <[email protected]> In principle, everything is intuitive, especially when the package arrives. All actions that you have to do are written to you

[19:38:52] <[email protected]> Now let's talk about delivery options for your parcels

[19:40:08] <[email protected]> There are 3 types of delivery

[19:41:03] <[email protected]> By sea, air, land transport

[19:41:14] <[email protected]> Air is the most expensive, but also the fastest

[19:41:22] <[email protected]> By sea we send only heavy parcels, such as disks to the car, and so on. Possibly sending goods that do not require urgent delivery. There are also goods that can only be sent by sea, such as perfume and alcohol.

[19:41:36] <[email protected]> Third type of ground transportation

[19:41:45] <[email protected]> It is usually used when delivering from a neighboring country. Faster and cheaper shipping method. Customs clearance is faster than air or sea.

[19:41:58] <[email protected]> Shipping cost is calculated based on the weight of your parcel

[19:42:09] <[email protected]> There are two types of package weight, volumetric weight and physical

[19:42:16] <[email protected]> And shipping costs are usually calculated from the higher weight

[19:42:24] <[email protected]> Physical weight is the weight of the parcel when weighed

[19:42:31] <[email protected]> Volumetric weight depends on the size of the parcel and is calculated by the formula:

[19:42:39] <[email protected]> length (inc) x height (inc) x width (inc) / 139 = weight in pounds;

[19:42:47] <[email protected]> length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm) / 5000 (some divide by 4000) = weight in kg.

[19:42:59] <[email protected]> Recommendations for sending goods to yourself:

[19:43:14] <[email protected]> 1. Do not exceed the customs limit (for Russia) for one pack. That is, if you indicated that the stuff in the pack is more than the limit, then this month you will no longer be able to send the pack to the same name. He will stick at customs, and you will wait for a new month to go through customs. The rules are changing, check the restrictions on the customs website.

[19:44:05] <[email protected]> 2. Be clearly aware of the indicated prices for goods, links, as well as notifications from the FSB. For example, an iPhone came to the middle, your task is to do the following: write that the goods are used, set the price 2 times lower than for a new one

[19:44:35] <[email protected]> 3. Always underestimate the cost of goods for clothes. For example, if you send Nike sneakers for 300 bucks, write that the sneakers are NAYFAY and indicate the cost of 30-40 bucks. I always do that. The same applies to bags, pants, in general, all things. Always rolling. Because no one will bother and set a clear cost of the thing.

[19:45:05] <[email protected]> 4. As for the watch - please open the box and send the watch separately, the box separately.

[19:47:53] <[email protected]> 5. As for the jewelry - we write that it is jewelry. And you should not put a lot in the pack. It is better to send the chain separately, the ring separately. I recommend sending a jeweler with a bunch of clothes, there is less chance that customs will burn.

[19:48:00] <[email protected]> 6. Send the technique in 2-3 positions in a pack. For example 1 iPhone + 1 PSP + 1 video card. No need to cram 10 positions of all goods into 1 pack. Remember that if there are 5 or more identical positions in the pack, then you will fall under a commercial batch, and then you will lose the pack. Since they will ask for invoices, account statements, etc.

[19:48:21] <[email protected]> 7. Do not save packs in the middle, especially valuable ones. Came an iPhone / iPad / Rolex in the middle - send it right away. It's better to pay that extra $ 60 for shipping than to lose everything.

[19:50:07] <[email protected]> 8. Pay in the middle only with your own money. NO CARAGE. Do not cut the branch you are sitting on.

[19:50:14] <[email protected]> The parcel goes on average from US 2-3 weeks

[19:50:19] <[email protected]> During this time, a charge will arrive and it happened that the parcels were already deployed from the branch in the Russian Federation

[19:50:40] <[email protected]> Usually, when sending a parcel, you are sold insurance, a completely unnecessary thing. Money and goods are not returned.

[19:50:45] <[email protected]> Next, the parcel was sent to ru, successfully passed customs, now it needs to be accepted

[19:50:51] <[email protected]> There are 2 options for receiving parcels

[19:50:57] <[email protected]> For a specific person, it could be you

[19:51:07] <[email protected]> And for any data

[19:51:13] <[email protected]> The first option is simple, they came and showed their passport, received the parcel

[19:51:18] <[email protected]> But we think about security

[19:52:37] <[email protected]> Right now they came up with another new thing, an accelerated system for receiving parcels

On our forum, guys make such cabinets for a certain fee

[19:52:43] <[email protected]> We order goods for a specific person, receive SMS by mail and you will be given a pack without documents.

[19:52:53] <[email protected]> The second method is more costly and safer

[19:53:00] <[email protected]> Drop services are accepted for any data (full name) of the parcel

[19:53:06] <[email protected]> This service is represented in RU by Leonxx, buysell and a couple more on the forum

[19:53:21] <[email protected]> Reception costs 1.5k, pick up from any branch for any name.

[19:54:06] <[email protected]> If the staff is not for your personal use

[19:54:11] <[email protected]> Then it can be sold directly from the service posting on the forum, for example

[19:54:20] <[email protected]> if for personal, then the cost of delivery to the regions is not more than 1k rubles

in the end, for 2,500 you feel safe

[19:54:29] <[email protected]> what

[19:54:32] <[email protected]> You can accept goods from the courier from the courier to any scan printed with your face.

[19:54:37] <[email protected]> Anywhere we phoned my brother by courier and took the pack at the entrance of the left house showing a copy of the left’s passport

[19:54:44] <[email protected]> About everything in between. Now about the drops.

[19:55:02] <[email protected]> Drops are ordinary people who accept your packs. drops are of 2 types: adjustable and non-adjustable

[19:55:09] <[email protected]> adjustable drops are drops that do not know that they are accepting packages. there is always a possibility of missing a drop with parcels. Such drops are searched, for example, on job sites or similar offices. Usually, expensive packs are not sent to such drops. The lifespan of such drops is 10-15 days. The cost of accepting parcels with such drops is usually 20-50 bucks

[19:55:50] <[email protected]> Sometimes receiving and sending is free from test drops.

[19:55:57] <[email protected]> Irreparable drops are a type of drops that clearly understand the risks they are taking. The risk of losing packs is minimized. Such drops receive a good salary and the life of the drops is on average 2-3 months. However, they often have slightly different rules of work. You can learn more about the rules from drop services that provide drop services. The cost of admission is usually $ 70-100 or% of the cost of the pack for liquid staff.

[19:56:14] <[email protected]> Recently, drop services began to work for a stingy, that is, they accept a pack - they pay you your%. Different drop services have different types of goods for acceptance and, accordingly, different%. For liquidation, epl technology can be given up to 55%. Driving the staff to the stingy will save you from the problem of delivering goods to RU and selling it, and will help you earn much faster. However, the amount of earnings will be much lower than if you brought the staff yourself and sold it to RU, this applies to the top liquid expensive staff.

[19:56:41] <[email protected]> If you have sent the goods to buy, from the moment the pack is sent to the drop, until the payment is received, an average week passes. And if you send goods to the middle and want to sell in RU - on average, it will take 4-5 weeks. It is up to you to decide whether it is fast and a little, or a long time and more.

[19:56:54] <[email protected]> How to choose a drop service?

[19:57:05] <[email protected]> The same rules apply here as when looking for an intermediary. Of course, the drop service has already been sharpened in advance for the carzh and colleagues, they are well aware that the goods will be from drives.

[19:57:15] <[email protected]> On our forum, in a special section, there are many worthy suggestions, I will not advise anything, but the choice is large and it will not be difficult to find your own

[19:57:26] <[email protected]> How to get started with the service and find your drop guide

[19:57:35] <[email protected]> questions after the lecture, user80

[19:57:41] <[email protected]> First of all, we look at all the offers, compare what is closer to us. We study the rules of each service. Prices, online, the number of drops and their geography (maybe we work in one state, for example), the presence of a panel, compensation rules

[19:57:52] <[email protected]> The panel is a separate site that contains all the drops and you can add your purchases in the online service, track them, compare drops and so on

[19:58:04] <[email protected]> The panel is super-convenient when you can add a product, see the drops in your state, many still keep statistics on the drop, more on that later.

[19:58:15] <[email protected]> Next. We look at the offers, first of all, if we want to work for a gimmick for the first time (to sell a drop product for a percentage), we are looking for a list of accepted products.

[19:58:25] <[email protected]> As a rule, large services have a list of liquid and illiquid goods.

[19:58:30] <[email protected]> Liquid is an apple, phones, watches, laptops, pc components, etc., that is, it is a commodity that can be sold quickly, so it has a relatively good percentage.

[19:58:46] <[email protected]> Illiquid stock is everything else, disks for cars, strollers, members and so on. The percentage here is a minimum of 15-25, but think that the fraud of a site selling strollers is much lower than that of ebay and you can simply earn consistently in volumes for bread and butter

[19:58:52] <[email protected]> After studying, it's time to write to contacts

[19:58:58] <[email protected]> First of all, we look at what contacts the service leaves, for example, I am an ardent hater of the toad, for me it is not operative and the last century.

[19:59:10] <[email protected]> Here we found contacts, be polite, write in the first message what you do, how many packs per week, how you do (no details) and ask what is not clear to you in the rules , for example, if you did not find your product in the positions - do you accept it for work, if you are new, it is also better to indicate this

[19:59:22] <[email protected]> After that, the admin will decide what to do with you and either issue a log password and access to the panel, or say that we do not work with the new regions

[19:59:35] <[email protected]> After hitting the panel

[19:59:49] <[email protected]> In the panel, poke all the buttons, study it. As a rule, it is super loyal in design and simple intuitive. First of all, we are interested in the menu item - drops

[20:00:04] <[email protected]> Let's go over and see how the list of all drops falls out in a table format. We look at what states there are, how many people there are in each

[20:00:15] <[email protected]> What information is given. Name, surname, address. Many panels keep statistics - this is very important, you can see how long it has been working, the jump took it, whether there were any problems, whether something is going on it now. Do not overload the drop, we are all human

[20:00:23] <[email protected]> And we can all break down when the clock came to you, the laptop, the phone and you are semi-legal, in general, nothing prevents the drop from disappearing in the new Rolexes looking for a mate on the tinder for the evening through a brand new iPhone pro max

[20:00:32] <[email protected]> General tips and tricks

[20:00:37] <[email protected]> 1. We didn't go all in a row for one drop. It is better to break the parcels into several, just remember - even a manual drop is sinful and, under the onslaught of temptations, can disappear with your pack

[20:00:46] <[email protected]> 2. Don't care for the name of the drop, they take a fake ID, so just make sure the pickup point is close to it. Nobody will chase a drop by car for a pack at a price of 200 bucks, more expensive - discuss it with glanders

[20:00:55] <[email protected]> 3. In general, discuss all unclear points with glanders so that there is no jamb

[20:01:03] <[email protected]> 4.Carefully fill out the information in the panel, this allows you to speed up work and avoid jambs

[20:01:15] <[email protected]> 5. Be adequate, there is no competition and no one expects volumes from you, if you do well, ask for individual conditions for yourself, dropouts are adequate people and think businesslike.

[20:01:55] <[email protected]> Further, everything is clear, they hammered into the drop, he went to pick it up, you also ask to take a picture and check the goods. If you are stingy, then the service will pay you everything. Prepare the kosh and take the coin.

[20:02:02] <[email protected]> If you are carrying a product, then you need to prepare a label

[20:02:08] <[email protected]> As soon as the drops receive the pack, to be sent to the middle, the drop service needs a label

[20:02:43] <[email protected]> A label is like a letterhead. That is, a piece of paper that says from whom it was sent, from which address it was sent, to whom it was addressed and to which address. These labels can be ordered from the respective vendors on the forum. Usually a carg label costs about 5-10 bucks, if the label is white, the price can reach 500 dollars, for example, for a 70-inch plasma. The price depends on garabits as well as the distance of sending the parcel.

[20:02:56] <[email protected]> The label is needed so that the drop channel does not bother filling out documents, payment, etc., but simply pasted this piece of paper on the parcel and took it to the post office, where it will be silently taken away from him and she will travel to her destination.

[20:03:04] <[email protected]> An example of a label can be found here: http://prntscr.com/iekzf5

[20:03:51] <[email protected]> 1 - sender's full name

2 - Sender street

3 - City / State / Sender Zip

4 - full name of the recipient

5 - Recipient street

6 - City / State / Postcode of recipient

7 - Date of dispatch

8 - Parcel weight

9 - Delivery date

10 - Track parcel number

[20:04:03] <[email protected]> So, we finished the lecture, who have questions? and wait for our turn. I'll go pour some wine and answer

[20:05:25] <gangass13> 1) should the middle be as close to the kh as possible? at least the state to match

2) are there contacts of sellers of documents that sell and utility bills and all that is needed?

3) the left passport for forwarding turns out to be bought in the city from where you will pick up the delivery?

4) where to write this declaration that sneakers are found? in the middle?

5) can I pay for the shipment from my card? Or choose in the middle of which payment is in BTS?

[20:05:44] <[email protected]> 1) ideally yes, but this is rare. Therefore the state.

[20:07:15] <[email protected]> 2) look at the colleagues on the forum, there is a separate thread. 3) well, it doesn't matter where you buy, it is important where you pick it up, 4) no declaration is filled out when ordering, as soon as you drag it to us. like what are you carrying, 5) NEVER. WE DO NOT PAY ANYTHING FROM OUR THAT LEADS TO YOU - BAD AND TABOO

[20:07:26] <user80> GW is this?

As for the limits - today it is $ 200 and as many parcels as you like per month. Ie, the excess will be in each, right?

[20:08:10] <user80> How do you pay for the shipping in the end? With PP?

[20:08:21] <[email protected]> ГВ - google voice. A virtual number from Google. Yes, the limits are constantly changing, this should be monitored. There are colleagues on the forum who pass parcels through the customs)

[20:08:26] <user80> How to put money on the left PP?

[20:08:32] <[email protected]> sent ideally from a stick)

[20:08:41] <[email protected]> You will have a lecture on PP)

[20:09:45] <goldenbaum> 1. If there is a delivery in the CIS in a small European store, can we cope without a follow-up?

2. About the stick on scans: do we do it only to settle accounts with the middle? What card do we twist to this stick? Russian? Is it dangerous? What if the stick requires verification in the connected? I just had this with my usual stick in my life)

3. Portable browser? Can I use the sphere?

4. Can I use hammered goods in my personal life?) For example, use a hammered laptop? Or ideally not worth it for safety

[20:09:53] <Goodman> 1. When working with drops to send to ru, you still need a middle?

2. Do all the stingy people take a fake ID?

3. What's easier to start with? From illiquid to stingy or egift?

[20:10:21] <[email protected]> nothing, now I will answer everyone

[20:12:27] <[email protected]> 1) Yes, it is not needed. Either on a neighbor / or in the middle of Russia, 2) there will be a lecture on a stick, everyone will tell you) 3) Better portables - because it's cheaper, hehe (still free), 4) yes, you can. In general, track your use, well, let's even assume that they are looking for you. Well, I bought it on Gorbushka (market in Moscow time) from Ashot in tent 234 - I don't fuck in my soul

[20:13:37] <[email protected]> 1) Yes, because the question arises, who will take the parcel here already, if you go yourself then you don't need to. 2) Yes, all 3) which is tastier than raspberries or potatoes. I love everything, but for me, of course, it’s not easy to drive in much easier than liquid eGifts

[20:14:36] <AlexFlex2134> to send goods to yourself, is it better to use the list of intermediaries provided by you or find a drop service on the forum?

And why use legal services at all if there are "colleagues" who are ready and know that we are sending karzh, only that they (legal) will not steal our pack?

[20:16:24] <AlexFlex2134> but there is a chance that ak is blocked = equal to a drop spizdil pack

[20:16:25] <[email protected]> 1) Here you are free to choose, I do not give any list. I know the guys, but I am a lecturer, I remain neutral and say choose yourself) 2) legal ones, if you drive them well, will never die and work is easier. But colleagues ... It already depends on the adequacy)

[20:16:50] <[email protected]> to make the acc live longer is easier than to pray that the drop does not spoil your macbook

[20:17:05] <htuf> 1) What is a white label? 2) Is the pickup location one of the ways to deliver not to the door? 3) It turns out that I am sending to the name of KX and the dropservice itself resolves the issue with fake ID, etc.?

[20:18:13] <[email protected]> 1) white label - real, black - made it and rendered it for you. 2) pickup is when you say, do not deliver the guys to my home, leave them in the store, I will come myself 3) yes, that's right)

[20:21:05] <deadhasan> that is, I signed up for Vasya Pupkin in the middle of sending a pack to the Russian Federation to Vasya Pupkin, and if he doesn’t come as a supplier, but let's say Russian mail, how can I get it? there is a corrupt employee, but I don't understand a little, but how without him

[20:21:29] <deadhasan> it is generally easier to register and send vytsepny namals to the Russian Federation

[20:21:32] <[email protected]> do not use the Russian mail, or then order on the drunk's neighbor

[20:21:42] <[email protected]> let him go and pick up the bottle

[20:21:53] <deadhasan> but what if they come to him?

[20:22:05] <OTJlU4HUK> 1. Why buy and to whom a full package of documents?

2. Sticks for scans?

3. The link is broken.

4. What kind of sticks?)

5. This way you will not kill your account in case of a charge. What is a charge?

[20:22:35] <[email protected]> well, I took about junkies, I didn't care if they would come to him or not)

[20:23:52] <[email protected]> 1) re-read the lecture log, said why it is needed (for registration), 2) yes 3) we will replace 4) stick - paper. Payment system, 5) charge - a refund when they write a letter in the middle, they say guys. IT'S NOT I bought, ABMANULI))

[20:24:07] <[email protected]> I advise you to familiarize yourself with the basic vocabulary, you have the dictionary in the first message)

[20:24:25] <Temporary> 1. Start a portable browser for paper accounts and in the middle, and work exclusively with it. Cookies are our everything.

What's this? portable is understandable. but why? and what does the last phrase mean? what cookies are is also clear

[20:25:26] <[email protected]> 1 portabl - 1 stick account - 1 account in the middle - this is ideal. The presence of cookies increases trust in us and reduces fraud)

[20:26:56] <Yarah> "First of all, we look at what kind of contacts the service leaves, for example, I am an ardent hater of a toad, for me it is not operative and the last century."

what does this mean? in English it says you hate "toad", what do you hate?

Also, why do people send parcel to Russia? Why not drive in 2 macbooks for 55% in USA drop, then sell it and buy one inside Russia with their own money? much easier?

[20:27:31] <[email protected]> i hate jabber)

[20:27:53] <[email protected]> because in russia u have 100%)

[20:28:30] <Yarah> i tried translating in Yandex, also "toad"

[20:28:46] <Yarah> "toads"

[20:28:51] <[email protected]> your logic works only on a liquid product - on an illiquid one, everything suffers at once. After all, they will buy from you at 10-15%

[20:29:10] <Yarah> oh jabber

[20:29:13] <Yarah> oh ok haha

[20:29:17] <[email protected]> in russian when u say - Toad, sound like Jabber

[20:30:05] <Koba787> 3 - when registering with the purchased documents, I correctly understood that the documents must be drawn, but the photo in them must be ours? What if, when issuing on the spot, the intermediary wants to make an identification? Or how? more

4 - we said a lot that AF does not like when the distance between the bilship and the delivering spike is large? But 99% of intermediaries are located in Delevar? What about this option?

5 - if a charge arrives, then these are new documents and a new account in the middle - right?

6 - I correctly understand that it is in the panel that we get the drop shipping address?

7 - fix: we found a drop in the panel, we see its ship address. When driving in - we drive in the name of the KX, beat the dress of the KX and the spike the address of the drop (stingy) from the panel so?

8 - will we have practical or visual examples of all these activities? but now like kittens

[20:32:27] <[email protected]> 3) here, yes, our photo) You make a scan of a little crappy quality and that's it, 4) well, there are a lot of solutions, for example, work with enroll (there will be a lecture) where you can change the billing and hit beat = thorn, but you can search in the middle in any state. 5) yes, 6) yes, everything is correct, 7) yes, everything is correct, you enter into the panel they say I drove into such a name (take into account the half of the drop), 8) the practice of driving will be with you further

[20:32:51] <SPARK_LQ> 1.What is find?

[20:33:19] <[email protected]> the ironic name of the Chinese Palenque, ala abibas

[20:34:23] <htuf> It turns out that the cleanest scheme is to transfer from drop to middle with a new label, so I will never lose an account with the latter? Does the parcel always have time to leave if the painfully compassionate KH starts ringing the bell?

[20:35:48] <[email protected]> yes, it depends on the hand of the drop. Suddenly, he sent this in the middle already for 20 accs)) Not always, you can't guess here (But if the parcel left the store, then you can probably say that everything is fine

[20:36:17] <user80> Regarding htuf's question - how justified is it in terms of cost?

[20:36:28] <[email protected]> I don't think this is rational

[20:36:58] <[email protected]> it is profitable if you just found a shop, everything was picked up and milked perfectly, just like a kh sitting next to you and driving himself in)

[20:37:43] <Koba787> what does the pickup circuit look like? often seen in advertising on the forum

[20:38:18] <[email protected]> Well, the simplest thing is that the delivery rings and they say, leave it in your self-service office, I'll come and pick it up myself

[20:38:30] <ame> Regarding the pickup, is this service a standard for drop carriers, or is it an option? At extra charge? Also about the stingy, do the stingy have a peak up?

[20:38:50] <[email protected]> for an additional fee, of course, see its conditions) You pay for the legs and his fuss

[20:39:52] <Koba787> and a conditional drop arrives and picks it up? in what cases it works and is done

[20:40:08] <SPARK_LQ> 1. What is easier to drive liquid under a pickup? or illiquid on a different thorn? 2.Is the pickup truck non-liquid?

[20:40:26] <SPARK_LQ> by yus

[20:40:30] <[email protected]> Yes, that's right, a drop comes and picks it up. Well, for example, when you do not have drops in the state, your legs can go to the next one and pick up

[20:42:16] <[email protected]> 1) in our "profession" do not look for easy ways. There is no loot button for guys. Therefore, put these thoughts out of your head altogether. Someone will beat the liquid, someone will beat the thorn in a different way, but I can say that almost all the merchandise has tightened the screws and will not be sent to a different beat. in the yard 2020, not 2007.2) I do not care about the inside of the pack, the main thing is its cost. Look in the rules when he drives to the pickup)

[20:43:18] <goldenbaum> Is it worth it to drive in personally?

[20:43:26] <Koba787> 1 - and again a question, based on visually practical examples. we need to understand the scenarios for using this or that

2 - how to work if the beat and spike are different? only enrol?

[20:43:29] <goldenbaum> in RU

[20:44:16] <[email protected]> 1) When it comes to Russia, think that Interpol will cover you. Unlikely) But conditional avito, vainot

[20:45:11] <[email protected]> you will have visual examples of work, I will not connect to you by timing)

[20:46:03] <[email protected]> search for merchs - which give for different or use enrol

[20:46:51] <Koba787> and the ending: are there dialers for enrolls too?

[20:47:12] <Koba787> it's good that I haven't poured myself wine yet)))

[20:47:13] <[email protected]> of course) How can we do without them, for example, when we need to remove the lock region or bind the card to the NSF

[20:47:28] <[email protected]> on rollers you will have 2 lectures)

[20:47:41] <Koba787> that is, we compose all the information, collect and give it to the dialer, who has to do everything, and then how will it go?

[20:47:43] <[email protected]> well, there is a group where I am a mentor (hehe, advertising)

[20:47:59] <[email protected]> no, well, you can ask for a call to order

[20:48:06] <Koba787> can I link? hungry for incomprehensible words and theses))

[20:48:12] <[email protected]> yes, everything already depends on his skill)

[20:48:32] <[email protected]> I can not give links, see the forum) I will not be so impudent and advertised

[20:48:46] <Koba787>

"No, well, you can ask for a call to order

I didn't understand this - will it be detailed in a separate lecture?

[20:49:04] <[email protected]> well, ringing is a living person

[20:49:09] <Koba787> yes

[20:49:15] <[email protected]> you write to him, you need to call the bra to make an order

[20:49:38] <[email protected]> or bro, they don’t even send, call find out what the blunt is - push the parcel

[20:49:47] <[email protected]> tell me that this is for a little disabled iPhone

[20:50:01] <Koba787> 'mnj is clear, I meant that in the case of enroll, the scheme is the same, the dialer works

[20:50:04] <[email protected]> well, that's it) Give him all the data you have, here the communication is already turned on

[20:50:09] <[email protected]> no)

[20:50:15] <Koba787> and which one?))))

[20:50:27] <[email protected]> on videos - there is a different story, a dialer is rarely needed there, for some things

[20:50:38] <[email protected]> and this you will learn from the videos at the lecture

[20:50:44] <Koba787> intrigue)))

[20:50:56] <[email protected]> Especially since old-time Fox will read)

[20:51:07] <[email protected]> So colleagues, are there any more questions?

[20:52:01] <[email protected]> good, all skidding and fatty cutlets. Learn and remember - there is no loot button, but you can find it here and make it yourself. and the community will help)

[20:52:32] <[email protected]> And questions, you can write to the Q / A thread) Or to the forum's ls, but I haven't been for a long time. Left for kovid country and chill)

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