December 16, 2020

UGE600 Local Wi-Fi mode

16.12.2020 -> INSTRUCTION

1. Power up the UGE600 gateway

UGE600 can be operated locally without an Internet connection. The installer can set up the gateway and then switch it back to Cloud without resetting all the configuration and settings

2. Red LED means UGE600 works in Offline mode, without an Internet connection

3. Write EUID number for UGE600

AP mode After first power-up, UGE600 gateway works also in Access Point mode (AP mode) – you can access UGE600 gateway settings via WiFi network

We can connect with UGE600 thru our mobile phone. To do that find gateway name in your WiFi network list (name is GW-xxxxxx, „xxxxxx” are last 6 digits of the MAC adress – you can find it on the back of UGE600 gateway)

Enter your password (last eight digits of LAN MAC address)

Open Salus Smart Home mobile app and choose Local WiFi mode

Select UGE600, which you want to connect

Select UGE600, which you want to connect

Type EUID code or scan QR code with your phone camera

EUID is located on the back of the UGE600

Go to menu UGE600

Select settings

10. Bringing back the ex-factory configuration

„Enable Network Reset” function allow to bring back gateway factory settings without resetting ZigBee network system (all paired and configured devices will still work).