January 10, 2023

The Young love of Popes

The journalist Peter Seewald has revealed to German newspaperDie Zeitthat Benedict XVI experienced a “great love” that made it hard for him to choose the path of celibacy

In an interview published by German weekly Die Zeit, the journalist Peter Seewald, author of the book-length interviews first with Joseph Ratzinger and later with Benedict XVI, left discretion aside, revealing that as a young man the Pope Emeritus experienced a “great love”, which complicated his decision to become celibate. But this revelation never appeared in Seewald’s book-length interviews, both published and non-published ones. After his brief autobiography was published by San Paolo, the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ratzinger, was asked whether he had had any teenage sweethearts and if so, why he had never mentioned them. The cardinal had answered with a smile, saying he had already exceeded the word count agreed with his publisher.

This love, Seewald explained, “tormented him greatly. After the war, there were female students for the first time. He was a very good looking, elegant young man, an esthete who wrote poetry and read Hermann Hesse”. “One of his coursemates told me,” the journalist added, that Joseph Ratzinger had an effect on women and vice versa. Celibacy was not an easy decision for him.”

Other Popes in recent times had also had similar experiences. It is a well known fact that women were charmed by the alluring, young and handsome actor Karol Wojtyla. As is the fact that at least one of the female actresses he performed with had fallen on love with him, although in the end these feelings were not reciprocated.

Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pius XII, is also said to have had an adolescent crush at the age of 13. He wrote a piece titled “St. Marinella 1889”, which infers a fondness for a girl he describes as “virtuous, pleasant, sweet, merciful, docile and pure,” inviting her in his verses to become “more graceful than a sweet-smelling flower,” whose “virtue and beauty” make her shine “like a bright star”. Here, he was evidently inspired by the great Italian poet Dante. But who was this girl? He must have had a crush on a girl called Lucia who spent time with his sisters and cousin Adele in Onano. Years later, on the evening of his election as Pope on 2 March 1939, the then parish priest of Onano, Fr. Matteo Alfonsi told a reporter in St. Peter’s Square that “if Lucia had said ‘yes’, there would be no Pope Pacelli today”. Judging from this remark it would seem that the girl turned Eugenio down. The same story is confirmed in writer Giovanni Papini’s diaries, in which he records the stories of the elderly inhabitants of Onano. Eugenio’s fondness for Lucia was obviously common knowledge in the village.

Last but not least there is Pope Francis. In a conversation he had as a cardinal with his friend, the rabbi Abrahan Skorka, Bergoglio had talked about the impression a girl had made on him. Unlike the other cases mentioned above, this was the only story told by the man himself in the book “On Heaven and Earth”. “While I was a seminarian, I was dazzled by a girl I met at an uncle’s wedding. I was struck by her beauty, her intellectual brilliance and, well, I was bowled over for quite a while. When I returned to the seminary after the wedding, I could not pray for over a week because when I tried to do so, the girl appeared in my head. I had to rethink what I was doing. I was still just a seminarian so I was still free, I could pack it all in and go home . I had to think over my choice. Again, I chose the religious path - or I let myself be chosen again -. It would be abnormal if things like this did not happen. When they do, you has to reposition yourself and see whether you would make the same choice again or say: ‘No, what I’m experiencing is so beautiful, I’m afraid I will no longer be faithful in the commitment I have taken on, so I am leaving the seminary’. When something like that happens to a seminarian, I help him to go in peace, so that he can be a good Christian instead of a bad priest.”