TheXyron Personal cutting system is a great portable die cutting solution
Overview: The Xyron Personalcutting system is a computerized die cutting machine that is designedfor cutting out shapes and letters for use in scrapbooking, craftingand for design applications.The system uses font books andshape books that allow you to quickly and easily choose the shapes thatyou want to cut out using the machine.This system allows youto quickly and easily cut out letters and shapes using your owndecorative paper. It is simple to use and is even portable so that youcan take it to scrapbooking parties.
Strengths / Features:
TheXyron Personal cutting system makes die cutting easier than ever. Ituses extremely simple controls that allow you to choose a shape fromyour design book and then to choose the size of the shape that you wantto cut.There are a huge number of design books available forthe Xyron Personal Cutting system. The machine comes with one alphabetfont book and one book of basic shapes. These two books provide over500 cutting options. With additional cutting books, there are literallytens of thousands of possibilities offered by the Personal CuttingSystem.The Xyron personal cutting system allows you to cutout shapes that are as large as 4" x 4" in size. Every shape in thedesign book can be cut in one of three different sizes (small, mediumor large). Using the system you can cut through virtually any paperstock. You simply put the paper in the cutting drawer, choose the shapeyou want to cut and let the machine do the rest.
Weaknesses / Limitations:
Althoughthe Xyron Personal cutting system offers literally thousands ofpossibilities for shapes and sizes, it requires the purchase of fontbooks and design books to expand its capabilities. Design books for thesystem cost around $50. That can add up if you want to collect a lot ofshape books.The Personal cutting system uses a special bladeto cut the shapes out of your paper. These blades need to be replacedover time especially if you are cutting through thick or fibrouspapers. It also uses a special cutting mat to hold the paper in placeduring the cutting process. This mat will also need to be replaced overtime.With the personal cutting system you are limited to theshapes and letters that are in the design books that you purchase. Ifyou want completely custom die cuts including welded words you mightwant to consider purchasing the Xyron Wishblade which allows you to cutany shape or font that you have on your computer.
TheXyron Personal cutting system is a great portable die cutting solution.You can take it with you to scrapbooking parties or use at home forcrafting projects.The Ultrasonic Testing Machine Suppliers Personal Cutting System comes out ofthe box with everything that you need to do your own die cutting.However, by purchasing additional design books you can greatly expandthe capabilities of the machine.This makes it a greatsolution for users who want to be able to make their own die cuts athome and want an easy to use die cutting solution