February 16, 2024
13. Verb अस् (to be, to exist)
The verb अस् (to be, to exist) has three third-person forms in the present tense.
Singular Number
अयं वृक्षः अस्ति।
ayaṃ vṛkṣaḥ asti This is a tree.
इयं माला अस्ति।
iyaṃ mālā asti This is a garland.
इदं फलम् अस्ति।
Dual Number
इमौ वृक्षौ स्तः।
imau vṛkṣau staḥ These are two trees.
इमे माले स्तः।
ime māle staḥ These are two garlands.
इमे फले स्तः।
Plural Number
इमे वृक्षाः सन्ति।
ime vṛkṣāḥ santi These are trees.
इमाः मालाः सन्ति।
imāḥ mālāḥ santi These are garlands.