August 18, 2023

Crypto Bot: Subscriptions 

Getting Started

How do I connect my channel or group to the paid subscription system?

1. Go to "Subscriptions" → "Connect" → "Add".

2. Next, add @CryptoBot as an administrator of your private channel or group with the rights to invite and block users.

3. If you've done everything correctly, the bot will suggest setting up a plan.

How to create and configure a plan?

Из раздела Subscriptions перейдите в "My Channels" → "Edit Subscription Plans" → "Create Subscription plan".

1. Set the payment interval

2. Choose cryptocurrencies

3. Set subscription price

After completing the plans settings, click 👌 Create Plan.

How to modify an existing plan?

Go to "Subscriptions" → "My Channels" → "Choose your plan".

  • Hide the plan if you wish it to no longer be available for new users.
  • Delete the plan if you don't want it to be available for both old and new users.
  • Edit Special Offer if you want to run a promotion.

How to create and set up a special offer?

  1. Choose the discount amount.
  2. Specify the offer's validity period.
  3. Select the number of subscribers who can avail of the offer or leave it unlimited.
  4. Choose who can use this offer: only new subscribers or also those who have been subscribed for a long time.
  5. Click 👌 Create Offer to finalize the settings.

How to create, modify, or reset an invitation link?

Open 🍑 Subscriptions, select the desired channel or group under 🏩 My Channels, and click 🔡 Modify Link.

  1. To create or modify a link, send a text message to the bot ranging from 5 to 32 characters, e.g., squirtle. Afterward, the link associated with your account will be:
  2. To reset the invitation link, click Reset Link.
Please note that after resetting or modifying the link, the old link will no longer be valid, and other users might occupy it.
To avoid losing traffic, replace the old link with the new one in your blog.