November 6, 2019


Nowadays, manifold people in the word aren't satisfied by their country where they live, consequently everybody think about living in "ideal" country. Also, the most conspicuous trend of 21st century is "LIFEHACK VIDEO", hence it is necessary to write something that combine both of these modern phenomenas, so far no one has done it.

First of all, talking about living in "ideal" country demands some knowledge about that "ideal" country. What is this ?! Depend on 2019 Happiness Report, the most happiness country is Denmark. The conclusion of this research claims that today Denmark is ideal country, so when we talk about "ideal" country, we will mostly talk about Denmark. (I know, I am genius.)

First lifehack! Everyone know that Denmark is country of Vikings, it is means that you always should bring minimum one helmet, because you never will be sure, maybe someone goes behind you and this person going to kick out you. However, try to be full armored in this country;)

Second lifehack! This lifehack is connected with first, because everyone know that Danes drink alcohol a lot, of course it is famous fact. Consequently, don't walk around Denmark on Friday evening, never, whatever in what town you are. On Friday evening anything can happen, so just sit home and be careful.

Third lifehack! Be ready for the fact that you will alone ever, in this country. As every people in every country know Denmark is country of Vikings, hence not only men are strong and independent, girls too) It is means that stay alive on Friday evening is easier than approach Danish girl.

As outlined above, I really hope that these lifehacks will help you while you will live in "ideal" country. Good luck!