September 3, 2019

Article that should not exist

In second day of our school year was the extra lesson of English, our teacher said that we should write article after every lesson of English, I didn't think that we should write a reflection after extra lesson, however now I know it :)

Actually, main reason of being extra lesson in our timetable is that we must prepare for our exams, so in fact that is what we did. We checked our exercise, which we get in the last lesson, all in all I understand that I need work more and more. Also, we did the listening task, it was contained from 2 part and first part was easy, but second was hard for me and not for me only.

After the checking the listening task, Mr. Rizabek gave us the one valuable advice.The main idea of this advise was that we need more watch TV shows, videos and other content where english speech is included.

So now, I'm going to watch the "Drake and Josh", on of the my favorite TV show from my childhood.