August 26, 2020

Funko Pop

My love for funkopop began two years ago when I was presented with a New Year's Chubaki toy (a character from the Star Wars movie) for the new year. And then it went running: golden Darth Vader, Groot, Ant-man, Thanos. It is very difficult to stop when you enter the store, and another portion of new cute funko has been brought there.

After looking at the fan communities, I was not too surprised that there are thousands of fans like me. Hundreds of thousands.

I'm starting to create a 3D motion video about funkopop.
Continuation and process of creating a video by reference. The first thing I did was interviewed people in the communities. I realized that everyone loves to receive toys as a gift.

Then I began to search the Internet for various videos with beautiful frames, effects and transitions for inspiration.

From all this, the concept of the video was created. The finished toy "floats" along the conveyor, its packed in a funko box and sent to the recipient and everything is accompanied by dynamic music.

The final video will be integrated with 3D graphics.

A rough draft of some of the 3D animation scenes I've done is shown below:

тут гифки

If anyone did not know, this is the character Rick from the TV series Rick and Morty))

In the future, animation will be significantly improved and realistic coloring of objects and surroundings will be added. There is a lot of work to be done.

To be continued...