October 27, 2021

💥 GLIZE: what will happen after the voting and how will the referral structures be formed?

Friends, if the voting to stop UMI stacking succeeds, the process of migrating the ROY Club community to the GLIZE token will begin shortly.

How will it all work out? Here’s a step-by-step guide:👇

1️⃣ The voting will continue until November 1. If the majority of votes is «FOR», we will prepare the new GLIZE Personal Accounts within a week.

⚡️Important: all structures for GLIZE will have to be built from scratch, as was the case with the UMI coin integration.

2️⃣ Founder of ROY Club Vladimir Moshkin will be the first to generate a referral link.

3️⃣ Next, Vladimir Moshkin will start registering his first line. Then Vladimir’s first line will already register his first line. And on this principle until the structures are lined up.

⚡️ Important:

✅ Registration via referral links will run over two weeks. This is more than enough time to build your teams.

✅ During the first stage, you will NOT be able to register without a referral link. This is to ensure there is no confusion and all leaders can build their structures correctly, without wasting time and effort on reshuffling and so on.

✅ Meanwhile the old UMI-based Personal Accounts will continue to work. They will be removed later, when ROY Club leaders will successfully build GLIZE structures and migration will start.

✅ For two weeks, there will be no bonuses, no UMI to GLIZE exchange and no GLIZE itself. All participants will be solely engaged in building their structures.

4️⃣ Next, two weeks later, the migration to GLIZE token will be launched. And it will be possible to exchange UMI for GLIZE.

⚡️ Important: all ROY Club members will get an opportunity to exchange UMI to GLIZE at the same time on the appointed day and hour. Both leaders and regular participants will be EQUAL at the start. Every user will be able to be among the first to participate on the best migration terms and get an awesome early bird bonus of up to 900%.

👉 Read more about all the benefits of the early bird migration in GLIZE Light Paper — https://t.me/roy_club_news_en/1598.

We’ll also tell you about the UMI to GLIZE swap process later. Stay tuned. 🤝

ROY Club — follow us to a better future! 🙌