June 28, 2019


The application of data to predict the future of an organization or to enhance the ability of error correction acted as a catalyst for the global business houses. Productivity is expected to expand by ten times with the analysis of data, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Advancements in technology have hit the sky, and with the common man and organizations, both depending on the Internet for assistance, the growing need for data analysts is quite evident. The competitive market is pillared by specialized skills more so than a simple degree; in order to shape the future in data analytics, the analysts have to undergo a thorough training process, learning how to identify, process and analyze data for the betterment of the business.


Why data analytics?

Answering the important question with a conventional approach, data analytics today is most notable profession to choose. Several thousand jobs are awaiting trained analysts who possess a passion working with numbers, while at the same time hold a clear understanding of data applications.

Organizations are steadily trending towards the big data and are rapidly filling the gaps of scaling data issues. Analysts help in solving complex business issues and planning future strategies, thus improving the operational efficiency of the firm.


Real life prospects:

One of the key functions of big data is in the method in which a business uses the amassed data, and not in the amount they successfully accumulated. An individual interested in this particular career would prefer to know where it is utilized in real life apart from businesses. Some of the instances are as follows:

Government– holding an infinite amount of data about the citizens, their growth rate, topography of a country, geographical area, available resources, and cyber security is not an easy feat. They need to be on constant vigil; thus, the need for data analysts arises.

Education industry – advancement in the grading technology, customization of study programs and reformation of particular course materials generate a gargantuan amount of data, not just the past records of the students. These records, when deciphered, can help in selecting the right career path for an individual. Thus, both the student as well as the institute benefit with greater efficiency and understanding on their parts.

Healthcare industry – perhaps the healthcare industry enjoys the introduction of big data more than any other. The reduction in the cost of treatment, prevention of unnecessary diagnosis and the rate of epidemics shows as evidence of this. Proactive measures are employed against the sale of dangerous medicines while the commencement of early treatment for diseases becomes increasingly simple, all because of effective analysis of data.


Expected salary:

Despite being one of the most popular careers over the last few years, candidates are losing the opportunity due to the lack of required skills. It is still considered as a new stream of profession; therefore, not many are aware of the fundamentals of it.

However, institutions are cropping up all over the world with the purpose of shaping these individuals within the stipulated boundaries of data management. The organizations are throwing appealing offers to attract interested candidates to their side. The most lucrative feature is the salary. Thus, they resort to hiking the salary of the analysts to maintain the demand. An analyst enjoys an average salary of $59,000 along with profit shares, incentives and commissions potentially summing up to $10,000.


Resource box:

data science course Singapore

training in Pune

in Excelr, promises a bright future in one of the popular careers of the industry. If you are willing to boost your knowledge and challenge yourself to begin a new chapter, Excelr will bring the world to your doorstep.