September 2, 2020

Who-is-who in the Crypto MLM space in 2020

The goal

Find a Forsage sponsor that has a proven marketing system anyone can plug into by simply signing up under that person.

The challenge

With everyone claiming to be a top dog in this industry, how to tell whether someone truly is a top performer or just a pretender?

I went on a quick youtube exploration today and am about to share what I've found with you.

In the interest of time I am going to show you only two examples in this post. The first one, not so good. The other one excellent.

1-Bitcoin Wealth Club

Below is one of the potential sponsors I investigated. Their youtube channel does look decent and everything.

But web traffic wise there is no data available which often means too little to count.

See 'sorry' statement in red rectangle below.

Definitely not indicative of such a successful sponsor as they claim.

2-Profit Passport / Easy1Up

These guys seem to have the goods. They have 25 000 subscribers on their youtube channel.

And 300 000 total visits to their website in July according to independent sources.

See red box below.

In addition to the amount of traffic, I am always curious about which other sites the website I am investigating connects with the most, as shown in the graph below.

Doing this allows me to think of all kinds of possible associations and connections relative to the people who visit those sites.

See Forsage in red box.

In case you wonder why I spent time creating this document when I could just text you the info via chat, it's because I also want to use it as part of my portfolio when looking for freelance work.

So there you have it.
