May 12, 2022

Case #3 - sports car travel in the Alps and Europe


I worked on this project when I was a targetologist at the Kurok advertising agency.

Clients were two co-founders of dorozhkin_org.
Product - sports car travel in the Alps and Europe.
The cost of the product - from 3000 €, which includes: a trip for 5 days, rented
sports car, insurance, gasoline, housing, prepared route accompanied by a guide.


Prior to the cooperation, the client received applications only from organic traffic,
so the task was to attract customers through targeted advertising in the Instagram account.


Hypothesis #1
The target audience was selected men aged 22-45 living in the millionaire cities of the CIS and Europe. We decided to start the tests with the residents of Moscow, and then scale the best ads to other geos.

In addition to the usual static banners, I decided to test the format of the gallery
to reveal all the benefits of the product in the ads:

I also ran some simple video ads using client-provided videos.
Example of video:

Spending around 100€ on tests, we received 0,2€ clicks and 2 direct Instagram applications, but did not receive a sale.
We got the largest number of conversions to the profile at the lowest price from
video, so we decided to continue testing only the video format.

Hypothesis #2
To test different hypotheses, I edited both calm videos and more dynamic ones. Also, each video was prepared in two formats - for Instagram News Feed (1080x1080px) and for Stories (1920x1080px).

Examples of videos:

The best results were shown by dynamic videos in Instagram Stories, so I made
the following videos also dynamic and only for Instagram Stories placement.

An example of one of the best creatives:

Customer report on the number of sales from advertising:

Unfortunately, in early February 2022, the co-founders broke up, so we stopped
our cooperation.


I worked on the project from 01.01.2020 tо 31.01.2020

General indicators of the advertising campaign:

  • total spent - 340€
  • received - 8386 conversions to Instagram profile and 4 payments
  • cost per click - 0,04€
  • revenue - 12 500€
  • ROAS - 3676,5%

Although this was not the goal of the cooperation, in a month of work we received +1789 subscribers for 0,19€ in the Instagram account:

Screenshot from advertising account: