May 17, 2023

Python Django Վեբ ծրագրավորման դասընթացներ


  1. Introduction to Python Programming: Learn the fundamentals of Python programming, including variables, data types, control flow, and basic input/output operations.
  2. Functions and Modular Programming in Python: Explore the concept of functions in Python and learn how to write modular code for better organization and reusability.
  3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Fundamentals: Dive into the principles of OOP and understand how to design and create classes, objects, methods, and inheritance in Python.
  4. File Handling and Data Persistence in Python: Learn how to read from and write to files, handle exceptions, and store and retrieve data using different file formats.
  5. Working with Strings and Regular Expressions: Discover how to manipulate strings and use regular expressions to perform powerful text processing operations.
  6. Error Handling and Exception Handling: Learn techniques to handle errors and exceptions in Python, ensuring your programs gracefully handle unexpected situations.
  7. Introduction to Modules and Packages: Understand the concept of modules and packages in Python and learn how to leverage existing modules and create your own for code organization and reusability.
  8. Introduction to Python Standard Library: Explore the vast collection of modules available in the Python Standard Library and learn how to utilize them to perform a wide range of tasks.
  9. Introduction to File Input/Output Operations: Gain a deeper understanding of file handling in Python, including reading and writing CSV, JSON, and other file formats.
  10. Introduction to Testing and Debugging: Discover techniques for testing and debugging your Python code to ensure its correctness and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
  11. Master the core tools for data analysis and visualization in Python with NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib.


1. HTML structure: understanding the basic structure of an HTML document, including the html, head, and body tags.

2. HTML tags: learning about the different types of HTML tags and how they are used, such as p for paragraphs, h1-h6 for headings, a for links, img for images, and more.

3. HTML attributes: understanding how HTML attributes work, and how to use them to add additional information to your HTML elements, such as class, id, src, href, and more.

4. HTML forms: learning how to create forms in HTML using various form elements such as input, select, textarea, button, and more.

5. HTML tables: understanding how to create tables in HTML using the table, tr, td, and thelements.

6. HTML lists: learning how to create ordered and unordered lists using the ol, ul, and li elements.

7. HTML semantics: understanding the importance of semantic HTML and how to use semantic tags such as header, nav, section, article, aside, footer, and more to add meaning to your HTML content.

8. CSS basics: learning the basics of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), including how to select elements, apply styles, and use CSS rules and declarations.

9. Responsive design: understanding the importance of responsive design and how to use CSS to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

10. Accessibility: learning how to create accessible HTML content that can be easily accessed by users with disabilities.



1. CSS syntax: understanding the basic syntax of CSS and how to write CSS rules and declarations.

2. CSS selectors: learning how to use CSS selectors to target specific HTML elements, including class and ID selectors, descendant selectors, child selectors, and more.

3. CSS box model: understanding the CSS box model and how it affects the layout of HTML elements, including the margin, padding, border, and content properties.

4. CSS layout: learning how to use CSS to create different layout styles, including the float, position, display, and flexboxproperties.

5. CSS typography: understanding how to use CSS to style text, including the font-family, font-size, font-weight, line-height, and text-align properties.

6. CSS colors and backgrounds: learning how to use CSS to apply colors and background styles to HTML elements, including the background-color, color, background-image, and opacityproperties.

7. CSS transitions and animations: understanding how to use CSS to create simple transitions and animations, including the transition, animation, and keyframesproperties.

8. CSS media queries: learning how to use CSS media queries to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

9. CSS frameworks: learning how to use popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation to create responsive layouts and styles.

10. Develop modern and mobile-friendly web applications using the Bootstrap framework.


1. Understanding databases: learning about databases and how they work, including the differences between relational and non-relational databases.

2. SQL syntax: understanding the basic syntax of SQL (Structured Query Language), including creating tables, inserting data, and querying data.

3. Data types: learning about the different data types supported by MySQL, including string, numeric, and date/time data types.

4. Querying data: learning how to use SELECT statements to query data from a MySQL database, including filtering and sorting data.

5. Joins: understanding how to join tables together in MySQL to combine data from different tables.

6. Aggregate functions: learning about aggregate functions in MySQL, including COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX.

7.  Indexing: understanding how to use indexes to improve query performance in MySQL.

8.SQL with Python: Utilize Python to interact with databases, perform queries, and manipulate data using SQL commands.


  1. Django Basics: Learn the fundamental concepts and structure of the Django web framework.
  2. Django Models: Understand how to define database models and work with data in Django.
  3. Django Views: Explore views and learn how to handle HTTP requests and generate dynamic responses
  4. .Django Templates: Discover how to create and render HTML templates in Django.
  5. Django Forms: Learn how to build and process forms for user input in Django applications.
  6. Django Admin: Explore the built-in Django administration interface for managing site content.
  7. Django Authentication: Implement user authentication and authorization in Django applications.
  8. Django REST Framework: Build RESTful APIs using Django for creating web services.
  9. Django Testing: Learn how to write unit tests and perform test-driven development in Django.
  10. Django Deployment: Understand the process of deploying Django applications to production servers.
  11. Portfolio: Develop and deploy a professional portfolio website using the powerful Django web framework.


1.Introduction to Git Learn the fundamentals of Git, version control, and the benefits of using Git in software development.

2. Setting Up Git Explore how to install Git, configure user settings, and set up repositories for your projects.

3. Basic Git Commands Master essential Git commands like clone, add, commit, push, and pull to manage your code efficiently.

4. Branching and Merging Discover how to create, switch, and merge branches in Git to work collaboratively and maintain code integrity.

5. Resolving Conflicts Learn techniques to handle conflicts that arise during code merging, ensuring smooth collaboration with other developers.

6. Git History and Logs Understand how to view commit history, navigate through past changes, and use logs effectively for debugging and analysis.

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Շաբաթական 3 դասընթաց, դասաժամերը՝ 11։00-ից 21։00