April 7, 2023

Full-Stack Վեբ Ծրագրավորման Դասընթացներ


  1. HTML structure: understanding the basic structure of an HTML document, including the html, head, and body tags.
  2. HTML tags: learning about the different types of HTML tags and how they are used, such as p for paragraphs, h1-h6 for headings, a for links, img for images, and more.
  3. HTML attributes: understanding how HTML attributes work, and how to use them to add additional information to your HTML elements, such as class, id, src, href, and more.
  4. HTML forms: learning how to create forms in HTML using various form elements such as input, select, textarea, button, and more.
  5. HTML tables: understanding how to create tables in HTML using the table, tr, td, and th elements.
  6. HTML lists: learning how to create ordered and unordered lists using the ol, ul, and li elements.
  7. HTML semantics: understanding the importance of semantic HTML and how to use semantic tags such as header, nav, section, article, aside, footer, and more to add meaning to your HTML content.
  8. CSS basics: learning the basics of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), including how to select elements, apply styles, and use CSS rules and declarations.
  9. Responsive design: understanding the importance of responsive design and how to use CSS to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  10. Accessibility: learning how to create accessible HTML content that can be easily accessed by users with disabilities.


  1. CSS syntax: understanding the basic syntax of CSS and how to write CSS rules and declarations.
  2. CSS selectors: learning how to use CSS selectors to target specific HTML elements, including class and ID selectors, descendant selectors, child selectors, and more.
  3. CSS box model: understanding the CSS box model and how it affects the layout of HTML elements, including the margin, padding, border, and content properties.
  4. CSS layout: learning how to use CSS to create different layout styles, including the float, position, display, and flexbox properties.
  5. CSS typography: understanding how to use CSS to style text, including the font-family, font-size, font-weight, line-height, and text-align properties.
  6. CSS colors and backgrounds: learning how to use CSS to apply colors and background styles to HTML elements, including the background-color, color, background-image, and opacity properties.
  7. CSS transitions and animations: understanding how to use CSS to create simple transitions and animations, including the transition, animation, and keyframes properties.
  8. CSS media queries: learning how to use CSS media queries to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  9. CSS preprocessors: understanding the basics of CSS preprocessors such as Sass and Less, and how they can simplify CSS development.
  10. CSS frameworks: learning how to use popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation to create responsive layouts and styles.

Tailwind CSS

  1. Tailwind CSS setup: understanding how to set up Tailwind CSS in your project, including installation and configuration.
  2. Utility-first CSS: learning about Tailwind's utility-first approach to CSS, which focuses on using pre-built utility classes rather than writing custom CSS.
  3. Tailwind classes: understanding the different types of Tailwind classes, including layout classes, typography classes, color classes, and more.
  4. Responsive design with Tailwind: learning how to use Tailwind's responsive design classes to create designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices.
  5. Customizing Tailwind: understanding how to customize Tailwind's default configuration to add or remove classes, change colors, and more.
  6. Using Tailwind with frameworks: learning how to use Tailwind CSS with popular front-end frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular.
  7. Using Tailwind with build tools: understanding how to use Tailwind CSS with build tools like Webpack, Gulp, and Grunt.
  8. Best practices with Tailwind: learning about best practices when using Tailwind CSS, including how to organize your code, optimize for performance, and more.
  9. Advanced Tailwind features: understanding advanced features of Tailwind CSS, including customizing the theme, using plugins, and creating custom utility classes.
  10. Examples and tutorials: exploring examples and tutorials that show how to use Tailwind CSS to create common design patterns and layouts.

Javascript Jquery

  1. JavaScript syntax: understanding the basic syntax of JavaScript, including variables, data types, and control structures such as loops and conditional statements.
  2. Functions: learning how to create and use functions in JavaScript, including function arguments, return values, and function expressions.
  3. DOM manipulation: understanding how to use JavaScript to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM), including selecting and modifying HTML elements and handling events.
  4. Arrays and objects: learning about JavaScript's built-in data structures, including arrays and objects, and how to use them in your code.
  5. Control flow: understanding more advanced control structures in JavaScript, including switch statements and the ternary operator.
  6. Error handling: learning how to handle errors in your JavaScript code, including try-catch statements and error objects.
  7. Asynchronous programming: understanding how to use asynchronous programming in JavaScript, including callbacks, promises, and async/await syntax.
  8. ES6 features: learning about some of the new features introduced in ES6, including let and const variables, arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring.
  9. Debugging: learning how to use the browser's developer tools to debug JavaScript code, including setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and more.
  10. Libraries and frameworks: exploring popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as jQuery, React, and Angular, and learning how to use them to build web applications.


  1. React components: understanding the basic structure of React components and how to create them using functional and class components.
  2. JSX: learning how to use JSX syntax to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript files and how to use it to render React components.
  3. State and props: understanding how to use state and props to manage data in your React components and how to pass data between components.
  4. Lifecycle methods: learning about React's lifecycle methods and how to use them to handle component initialization, updates, and unmounting.
  5. Handling events: understanding how to handle events in React, including using event handlers and passing data through event handlers.
  6. Conditional rendering: learning how to conditionally render elements in React based on state or props, including using if/else statements and the ternary operator.
  7. Lists and keys: understanding how to render lists of elements in React and how to use keys to track each item's identity.
  8. Forms: learning how to handle user input with forms in React, including using controlled components and uncontrolled components.
  9. React Router: understanding how to use React Router to handle client-side routing in a single-page application.
  10. Redux: exploring the basics of Redux, including managing state with reducers and actions, and connecting Redux to React components.


  1. PHP syntax: understanding the basic syntax of PHP, including variables, data types, and control structures such as loops and conditional statements.
  2. Functions: learning how to create and use functions in PHP, including function arguments, return values, and function expressions.
  3. Working with forms: understanding how to handle user input from HTML forms using PHP, including handling form submissions and form validation.
  4. Working with arrays: learning about PHP's built-in data structures, including arrays and how to use them in your code.
  5. Working with databases: understanding how to use PHP to interact with databases, including connecting to databases, querying data, and performing CRUD operations.
  6. Object-oriented programming: learning about object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP, including classes, objects, and inheritance.
  7. File handling: understanding how to read and write files using PHP, including opening and closing files, reading from files, and writing to files.
  8. Error handling: learning how to handle errors in your PHP code, including try-catch statements and error objects.
  9. Security: understanding how to write secure PHP code, including handling user input safely, preventing SQL injection attacks, and more.
  10. Popular PHP frameworks: exploring popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter, and learning how to use them to build web applications.


  1. Understanding databases: learning about databases and how they work, including the differences between relational and non-relational databases.
  2. SQL syntax: understanding the basic syntax of SQL (Structured Query Language), including creating tables, inserting data, and querying data.
  3. Data types: learning about the different data types supported by MySQL, including string, numeric, and date/time data types.
  4. Querying data: learning how to use SELECT statements to query data from a MySQL database, including filtering and sorting data.
  5. Joins: understanding how to join tables together in MySQL to combine data from different tables.
  6. Aggregate functions: learning about aggregate functions in MySQL, including COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX.
  7. Indexing: understanding how to use indexes to improve query performance in MySQL.


  1. Installing Laravel: learning how to install Laravel and set up a development environment.
  2. Routing: understanding how to define routes in Laravel and handle incoming requests.
  3. Controllers: learning how to use controllers in Laravel to manage application logic.
  4. Views: understanding how to create and use views in Laravel to display data to users.
  5. Blade templating engine: learning about Laravel's Blade templating engine and how to use it to build reusable templates for your views.
  6. Models: understanding how to use models in Laravel to interact with a database.
  7. Eloquent ORM: learning about Laravel's Eloquent ORM and how to use it to perform database operations, including querying and updating data.
  8. Migrations: understanding how to use Laravel's database migrations to manage database schema changes and version control.


  1. Understanding TypeScript: learning what TypeScript is, how it differs from JavaScript, and its benefits.
  2. TypeScript syntax: understanding the basic syntax of TypeScript, including variables, data types, functions, and control structures.
  3. Interfaces: learning how to use interfaces in TypeScript to define object shapes and ensure type safety.
  4. Classes: understanding how to use classes in TypeScript to implement object-oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  5. Type annotations: learning how to use type annotations in TypeScript to provide type information for variables, functions, and interfaces.
  6. Modules: understanding how to use modules in TypeScript to organize code into reusable units and manage dependencies.

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Տևողությունը՝ 8-9 ամիս

Շաբաթական 3 դասընթաց, դասաժամերը՝ 11։00-ից 21։00