July 29, 2021

The Singaporean

She was a MILF, but not a mom — even better! And tighter. She was Asian too, which means extra tight. Even at 39. The complete opposite of «sleeve of wizard». It may have as well been statutory rape, even at 39.

But I rush in to the story. I can’t help it — as I sit down to document this pleasurable sexcapade, my cock-’n’-balls immediately distract me straight past the backstory and right to the punchline: her fantastic front hole.

She was essentially twice my age at the time — as I myself was a young lad of 20 years, a Russian university student in the USA. I was in Singapore just for the summer, interning at a firm that my Australian step-dad was CEO of. Being the Boomer Anglo cunt that he was, he decided summer was not for fucking around, but for working, even though my brain was still bleeding from the difficult coursework I had completed that academic year, and my cock was bleeding for some nice fresh vagina in an exotic country with a unique blend of Eastern and Western lifestyles where it is fun, rewarding and very feasible to hunt amazing snatch (as long as you learn to recognize and avoid the very effeminate and trappy Asian T-holes). Moreover, I was studying in Seattle in those years and had spent a hefty portion of my life there before that, so trying to fuck a normal chick was impossible because they don’t exist in Shitattle. And since I was studying theoretical math and physics, everyone in my department was fucking ugly.

Yet here I was, on an very densely populated island with ethnically Chinese, Malay, Indian and White girls who are generally easy-going and more stunning than those in their ethnicities’ motherlands.

So I’ll be damned if I don’t try to hit on vageen at my work just because it might be perceived as hierarchically awkward, with my step-dad as CEO there. Fuck him and his Boomer «standards».

As I enter the office for the first time I am greeted by the secretary at the front desk. Amazingly, she’s this GrILF of 55-60 years, a former stewardess for Singapore Airlines. She was fine even at her age, with a very pleasant face and demeanor. A good start, I thought. We had developed a good relationship, but never really flirted and it didn’t go anywhere. And I’m not really sure I would have wanted it to. What happened instead was definitely better and not as gross. Or gross by any means.

I had befriended a group of young interns there, but things never went anywhere with the girls in that group. But separately I had also noticed this tight-bodied, short, ethnically Chinese girl with a tight butt — though not large by any means, her butt was still a big achievement for her race. Being the ass man that I am and was, I had definitely taken due notice. Moreover, she carried herself very attractively and had a sexy voice, soft like velvet.

She looked young, definitely under 30 to my young and unexperienced non-Asian eye. Of course, this is the girl I would be destined to penetrate with my hWite dick, and in the course of our sexcapades I would find out that she is actually 39. And married. Though that part was obvious from the start from her ring anyway.

But I didn’t care. On my tongue I still had that raw taste of strawberry fields from the juices of fresh, 16-year-old snatch from 3 years before that, when I had finally banged for the 1st time. That girl had a boyfriend then. But that’s maybe for a different erotic story. I’ll just mention that it was fun sparring him the next day as we all attended our common Tae Kwon Do class, round-house kicking him in the ribs while winking at his girl, as the dirty little secret in both our minds decorated our faces with blissful smirks. It is clear that my destiny from the beginning was to clandestinely slip into the middle of relationships unnoticed like Spetznaz and sneakily slip right out like a slippery ghost in the warm, moist night. I had become for women the pressure release valve for stored sexual energy that needed to be channeled somewhere… and somewhere good — in other words, not their boring boyfriends and fat, hairy husbands, but my naturally athletic and youthful body. I had become a charity, the type of charity where I, the donor, was as well able to derive gratification from the giving process — a rarity of sorts when charities or relationships with women are concerned.

But I hadn’t even imagined that anything would happen with this Singaporean broad. I had targeted what I thought were easier targets: younger, unmarried, and outside of the firm. But nor was I ruling anything out. In fact, these circumstances just made it so much more intriguing! And to my convenience there was an easy way in: she went for runs after work, preparing for the half-marathon.

Aha! That’s why she’s so fit! Let it be known that Singapore is a degree and a half from the equator and on the ocean, so it is always humid like a Turkish hammam, or like the axe wound of a mare that has been galloping for an hour in such goddamned weather — whichever comparison suits you more. Funny that I should make a horse comparison, as her Chinese last name, if pronounced with a different tonality, means «horse».

Anyway, this makes the running even more difficult, hence the resulting great effect on her already fit body being even more impressive. One day we ran for a whole fucking 17 kilometers, which was 5 more than she would usually do, and that last 5 we basically crawled. But it was a date, it was definitely a date, this was obvious to us both from the beginning, though not mentioned explicitly before. And the last 5 km we just half-jogged through dense forest and out onto a seaside promenade, getting to know each other without the overbearing of any colleagues’ presence. The last half a kilometer was a pier with random old toothless Chinese men fishing and kids playing. Peak of romantic. We walked out to the middle of it and finally made the fact that this is a date explicitly clear, though without a single word: my mouth locked with her amazingly plush, juicy lips that were definitely destined to have my semen on them later. Damn, how many superior traits can one girl have? It was the attraction to these traits that me and my 2 million little me’s were fueled by, otherwise what kind of a dumbass would cover 17 km in this hell weather when he’s not even preparing for a half-marathon like her?

After that we essentially went out on dates a few times a week, each time ending it in some hotel room, sometimes with no windows. We had no alternative place for fucking, but that’s fine. Plus she’d paid for about 3/4 of our hotel bills, since she had a senior salary and I was paid nothing at my internship like proper scum. That felt a bit weird, sort of like if you sneak out with your step-mom to a hotel to fuck, and she pays with the money that dad earns. But who doesn’t have that fantasy anyway?

After I left Singapore, we retained a correspondence. She would frequently end her email messages with «I love you» and the sort. I would sometimes give in and respond with something similar. But what the fuck is love? What does she think, that I’m going to leave my university education and move to a country across the globe just to date her — a woman twice my age who is still married? Or does she think I’m gonna marry her?

She was usually rational (especially for a broad!), so I didn’t expect such nonsense from her. Pff, women.