February 5, 2019

FAQ: Sets for tokens, achievements, legendary items and more!

Q: Will you change the duel matchmaking balance somehow when the PvP-mode will kick in?

The duel balance is undoubtedly the most problematic part of the game at the moment. So another update fixing big rating differences in matchmaking came out this january. We’d like to ask you to write us if anything still goes wrong or the matchmaking power difference is still greater than 200 for you. This info will help us to address the issues once again. Regarding the actual question we want to point out that in the PvP mode we plan to use a totally different matchmaking system, based mostly on your skill.

Q: Is there a chance that the PvP mode release will be cancelled due to players bad internet connection?

Unfortunately, there’s always a chance. Our game is quite susceptible to all forms of net issues such as high latency. But we stay positive on the matter at the moment.

Q: Is it just me, or you really reduced the chance of dropping the legendary items from the previous chapters at the store? Am I right?

No. The items generation depends on their price only. And It has not changed over the past few months. We’re trying not to offer our players the items they can’t save up resources for. We assume your observation has something to do with the fact you leveled up a lot, and the store couldn’t actually offer you a decent amount of reasonably-priced items from the previous chapters.

Q: Would you please reduce the rating decrease rate at the very end of the season! Should we wait for it to happen?

In the short term that change is not likely to happen. Rating drop is an important part of the design of the seasons feature for us.

Q: How about to turn off the Survival mode timer? Where I suppose to save up the in-game currency? In duels? Not gonna work! Maybe in Survival mode? But it’s limited to 2 days! What should I do in that case?

We have no plans of turning it off by now. But we plan to add a few alternative ways of gathering the coins and also tune the duels coin drop.

Q: Is there a chance we will find out something new about the world of Shadow Fight 3 after the main story campaign will come to an end? For example, what will happen to the main heroes? There’s no way we’ll be stuck in the side activities only (such as PvP, Survival, Clans)! I don’t include the New Game + to the list though.

The story will be expanded through different new Events and gameplay modes. We will talk about it more in the next few months.

Q: Would you please bring back the opportunity to buy the armor sets with tokens rather than by participating in the marathon?

In Events we’re experimenting with various forms of in-game rules. There’s a chance that the option of purchasing the sets with tokens will come back one day.

Q: Why there aren’t any achievements in the game like the ones that were in Shadow Fight 2.

We were busy implementing another features so far.

Q: Will we see new mace abilities?

Our animators are polishing the seventh chapter at the moment. Next we plan to polish other weapon styles and maybe add a few new ones.

Q: What does the special move power increase?

It affects its actual damage. We have to admit it’s not visible in the game interface at the moment, and that’s a real shame. In fact the more levels you gain, the bigger the damage multiplier during your special hits gets.