July 15, 2022

Q&A: World of Shadow Fight 3

You keep asking many questions related to the game lore and story, so we decided to start Narrative Q&A series of articles that will be released every few months. In this Q&A, we’ll answer all your questions covering Shadow Fight 3 lore.

Address your questions for future Narrative Q&A to our game support managers.

Also, we’d like to remind you a Q&A about current game state and future plans will come out next week! You still can ask your questions here, and in 2 weeks we’ll be ready to share more information about the Journal feature, new adventures and the final chapter of the main story!

Please note that Narrative Q&A can contain story spoilers!

1. By whom and how was established the Dynastian Empire? Why Monkey King is revered there, and who is he?

According to Dynastian legends, at first its lands were inhabited by 12 nomadic tribes, or dynasties, that were in constant struggle over the resources. The travels became dangerous, so the 13th unnamed dinasty, the most poor of all, decided to settle down. By making a deal with Monkey King, this dynasty became thriving, and as the time went by, the other 12 dynasties joined them. That's how the Dynastian empire was founded. The Monkey King deity is worshipped in these lands to this very day.

2. During the Lunar Festival, do we fight the Monkey King himself, or is it just a man dressed like the deity?

It is said that during the festival Monkey King transforms into a mortal to fight humans as an equal. Wheather that is true or not, only his priests know.

3. Were there really naval conflicts between the Dynasty and the Legion? How was the Damned squad involved?

The Damned Fleet was the main reason why the island campaign of the Legion failed. Tormented by the Damned sea soldiers, the Legionaries weren't able to build neither a fortress, nor a trade post on the islands. But because of the cruelty the Damned soldiers showed to the island locals, the Emperor stripped them from their privileges and put them into dungeons.

4. The Sacred Empire equipment set has very noble origins, as we can tell by its items' names. How Grandma Song's family got this set into their posession? And what was she doing in the Jewels of the North event, by the way?

In her youth, Grandma Song was one of the Emperor's best admirals, and she never liked the Damned Fleet. It was them who called her the Silver Witch: they said, her outstanding luck in the sea was the result of her magic. When the Octopus of the Damned refused to surrender his fleet to the Emperor, admiral Song forced him to leave the islands. And when he tried to seize the imperial Palace, the current Guardian Dragon arrested him, and that was how admiral Song met her future husband. The Emperor gave her the Damned armor as a trophy, and the Guardian Dragon was rewarded with the Sacred Empire equipment set.
In the forth stage of Jewels of the North event we see many invaders for different times in their attempts to gain conrtol over the sacred tree. They were the best fighters both from the Legion and the Dynasty.

5. Who are the Drevars and why are they so important? Was Kagun a drevar? If he was then how does Otto Heim exist considering drevars remain pure and never marry?

Drevars are a special caste of holy warriors from the North that worship the Fire. They renounce worldly temptations, follow strict religious practices and wield the power of flames.
Kagun was indeed a drevar, but not a regular one. He had little interest in spiritual practices or tradition, he was only after the strength that Fire gave him. Because of that he didn't concern himself with any restrictions that drevars are supposed to follow.
Also, relationships are not forbidden for drevars, only marriage.

6. Who are the Erasers, and what is special about Centurion type?

Erasers are a special Legionary squad who obey to Shadow's will in the future period of the story. They're most commonly used in supressing nomad riots. Erasers are known for their cruelty, because they are not accountable for their methods, only for the results, so possible casualties aren't a big deal for them.

Centurions are a result of Arsenal experiments over the Erasers: these are crystal warriors who are grown using a special technology for Legion's needs.

7. Please tell more about the royal family of the Legion. Why Moira is sometimes adult and sometimes a child?

The royal family tree counts more than 100 living members. For example, Helga, Reinhard and Ursus are all related to both Queen Iolanda and princess Moira.

In the main timeline Moira did not age after she was put on the island that protected her from the effects of her curse.

In June's Plane she never went there and instead aged regularly and became Queen of the Legion.

8. I would like to know more about the Immortal Lord's backstory (it's the boss of Creepy Party event). Does he have a place in the history of the Legion? Is he somehow connected to Lord Vincent from High Society?

Immortal Lord was once a Legion noble. He had seen many battles and grew more and more cruel and bloodthirsty over the years. In the end his desire to murder and spill blood turned him into the first vampire.
Lord Vincent isn't connected to the Immortal Lord, but holds him in high regard and tries to resemble him in some way.

9. What timeline does real Itu come from? Who created the timeloop during the fight of itu and bolo?

He comes from the original timeline. The loop was created by Itu himself.

10. Where is Bolo in Marcus' plane? Was he erased there as well? If yes, then how? Did erasure of Bolo from that one timeline our real Itu comes from erase him from all timeline? Have we ever met the real Bolo?

Real Itu has erased Bolo from all timelines and replaced him with Itu's copy. This happened because Itu stopped time itself which caused a unique side effect.
Because of this events, we never met the original Bolo in any Shadow Fight game.

11. In Marcus's Plane, it is revealed that the Liquidators are capable of burning away Shadow Energy because of their genetic trait that houses a Shadow Beast within them. The Emperor is seemingly unable to burn away Shadow Energy. Is this because he was not born with the ability, only infected? The Shadow Beasts within both answer to the Master, so what makes the Liquidators different to those who are infected with the Scourge?

Liqudators' control over shadow energy comes not only from the Shadow beast itself, but from the nature of the connection with the host. Because they are born with it and (those of them who survive) grow up along with their powers, strength of their connection to the Beast and level of control over their powers are far superior to those infected by the Scourge.

12. Is Stranger infact dead and what we see is his ghost or he, like June and itu in June's plane and itu's plane exists as a probability of his existence which might reach 100% in future for him to exist in a physical plane?

Stranger isn't dead because he was never born. He exists as a probability between timelines.
The probability doesn't have to be 100% for a person to exist, but before in the story, it has never been big enough for Stranger.

13. Why Shadow mind is final boss of every plane?

You'll learn more about Stranger, Shadow Mind and Transformation in the final part of the story.

14. According to the plots of the main story, Proximus / Proxima in Itu's Plane is unable to speak due to his speech algorithms being damaged by the real Itu, and the general in Marcus's Plane is also unable to speak due to some sort of vow. Also, Shadow back in SF2 and the Dynastian June's Plane don't speak. Why can't they all speak?

Shadow's Descendant isn't very talkative in general. Less arguing, more getting things done. They must have inherited this trait from Shadow.

15. Does Shadow, Sensei and Sly have a name, other than those nicknames?

They do, but very few (if any) people remember them.

16. Is Legion evil? What is the relationship between Legion, Dynasty and Heralds?

There are no "good" or "evil" factions in Shadow Fight 3, they all just have different values and general outlook on things. The relationship between the factions in the beginning of the story of Shadow Fight 3 is as follows:

Heralds and Dynasty are on friendly terms and provide assistance to each other from time to time.

Dynasty and Legion are in a constant struggle for power and influence, which often results in direct confrontations or even wars.

Legion and Heralds are hostile to each other because of their views on Shadow Energy - Legions brands it as evil that must be exterminated, and Heralds seek to better understand it and use it for their benefit. Legion aims to eradicate all Heralds, but it is a very difficult goal to achieve.

17. How does shadow energy affect different factions?

Dynasts know how to handle Shadow Energy and use it in everyday life, production, for the sake of entertainment and self-defense. They know how it behaves in different conditions, but do not wonder why.

Heralds allow Shadow Energy to influence their biology, study it thoroughly and use it to create new technologies.

Legionaires have only recently begun to master Shadow Energy, so they often go insane or lose control of themselves if they are under its influence. In addition, after the events of the Night of the Scourge, there are special legionnaires who are born with a shadow beast inside - these are the Liquidators.

18. What factions do the heroes of Shadow Fight 2 belong to? On some characters in this game, we can see the sign of the Dynasty.

In the world of Shadow Fight, there are many regions and nations inhabiting them. Legionaires did not appear with the arrival of the Shadow, but began to call themselves the Legion after his arrival. Heralds are a group of Dynasts who began to study shadow energy.
Lotus is an important symbol in this part of the world (just as the image of the dragon is an important element in the visual culture of our world and does not necessarily belong to any country in particular).

19. Does Shadow Fight 3 take place in the same place as Shadow Fight 2 or in a different place? Did Shadow fight a Titan in the SF3 world? What about the SF Arena characters? Were there characters like the Monk or the Sly in the world of SF3?

Events take place in the same world, but in its different parts and time periods. After the events of SF2, the events of SF3 take place, and in the finale of SF3 you will find yourself in a world more fully revealed in SF Arena. That's why all Shadow Fight 2 characters exist in the world of Shadow Fight 3, even if you haven't met them.
Also, you can be sure that Shadow fought the Titan regardless of the game you're playing.

20. After the demons are freed from the influence of the Titan, are they grateful to the Shadow?

All the demons reacted to this event in different ways: some were pleased with this development, some were furious, and some are okay regardless.

21. How old is Xiang Tzu?

Depends on which chapter of the Story mode you meet him. He can be between 17 and 27 years old.

22. Is Void from SF3 connected to Tenebris and his portal from SF2?

You may find the answer to this question in the future by playing Raids mode.

23. Who was the baby in June's plane that Moira put Shadow mind in?

That baby was Kibo.

24. Could the dragon mentioned in the Dragon Lesson event be the same dragon from Shadow Fight 2?

This is a different person.