April 17, 2019

Chapter 7: Introducing the features

Chapter 7 will be out within hours, so we decided to introduce you to the sets improvement it brings. Let's take a closer look at them.
  • What is a set?

Set includes certain equipment items: a helmet, an armor, a melee weapon and a ranged weapon. When you collect a certain set for the first time, you can get a reward.

  • Why the titled sets are special?

A titled set gives a fight bonus when equipped on your character. A titled set always has a title, an icon and a game mechanic of its own.

  • How do I collect a set?

Set is considered to be collected if you possess all four equipment items it consist of. You can get these items as a fight reward, also by opening booster packs and reward chests.

  • How many times can I collect a reward for a single complete set?

You can get your reward for every set only once.

  • How do I activate the set bonus?

A titled set bonus is activated automatically every time you equip this titled set.

  • I equipped my character in the titled set, but bonus is still inactive

Check if your character is equipped in all four set items. Maybe its helmet or ranged weapon are missing.

  • How many titled sets can I find in the game?

There are three titled sets in the game at the moment. Many more sets are going to be implemented.

  • How does Dragon Prime Set work?

Every successful guandao hit on your enemy gives a fixed amount of shadow energy.

  • How does Autocrat's Will Set work?

Every successful hit you make with set swords or arbalest will drain a fixed amount of enemy's shadow energy. If your enemy is out of his shadow energy, your hit damage is increased.

  • How does Sterile Gloom Set work?

Every successful hit of any type will charge your claws damage bonus. Bonus is activated when it's triple charged (maximum). Bonus charges fade over time.

  • I haven't found any answer to my question here.

Please send note to our support team and we'll gladly answer to your question.

See you in the game!