April 22, 2022

Upcoming update: Raids

Hi everyone!
One of the biggest features of the coming update is a new game mode, Void Raids. We want to tell you about it in more detail today.

The Void World is the source of everything, including the Shadow Fight world. It is incomprehensible and works according to its own rules. It is inhabited by countless beings that pursue their own interests in endless conflicts over zones of influence and valuable resources. You have been given the chance to enter this world teeming with danger — but high risk often leads to high reward!

The Void World becomes available when you reach level 7.

New game mode: Raids

In the Void World you will encounter various Bosses. To beat them, you must team up with other players on Raids.

Bosses have specific active periods during which you can challenge them. Each Boss is unique and has its own difficulty level table.

Raid map

To unlock the next difficulty level, you must defeat the Boss from the previous level. As the difficulty level increases, the Boss gets more powerful and uses a larger set of mechanics. The reward for defeating it is larger too.

Click «Participate» to join the raid

To take part in Raids, you need Void Energy. The higher the enemy's level, the more energy you need.

Void Energy regenerates every few hours until it reaches the maximum. There is no limit on the amount of energy you can receive from other sources.

As soon as all Raid participants are ready, you can begin the Boss battle.

Your team's goal is to kill the enemy within a set amount of time.

After each round ends, you must rest for a while. This time can be used to prepare for the next Boss.

Preparing for the fight

When the Boss is defeated, you get a reward. The amount varies depending on your contribution to the overall victory.

Raid results window

These factors determine your battle effectiveness:

  1. Equipment rarity
  2. Level of perks and special moves
  3. Void Power
  4. Ammunition
Raid difficulty

Void Power determines how powerful your character is in the Void World. Higher Void Power equals higher character effectiveness in Boss battles. You can earn Void Power by defeating Bosses.

The amount of Void Power you earn depends on the Boss's level and the place you take in the raid ranking.

Your maximum Void Power can't exceed 15,000.

Any Void Power that exceeds the amount required to fight the Boss does not affect your battle effectiveness.


Ammunition is a new type of consumable item that you can use during Boss battles.
There are currently three types of ammunition:

  1. Medicine — restores some of your character's health
  2. Magmium — grenades that deal damage based on your Void Power
  3. Destabilizers — grenades that stun the enemy for a short time

You can get ammunition by earning it as a reward or buying it at the store.

You can only use one type of ammunition in each round. You can change your choice between battles and on the Void map.

Using ammunition in a fight

Killing Void Bosses earns you new resources: Umbracite, Chrysonite and Magmium. Upgrading perks and special moves requires these resources. We'll go into more detail about upgrades in a separate article.

New resources as a reward for defeating Void Bosses

Along with resources, you can also earn Void Keys depending on your ranking. Keys are used to open chests on the Raid map. Chests contain special moves and epic and legendary grade perks!

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. We hope to keep entertaining you with new game modes and to improve the ones we already have! At the next week, we'll share information about how we've reworked the perk and special move system.

See you in the game! Keep Fighting!