BPMN elements:
BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is a standard notation used to model business processes. It provides a graphical representation of business processes, making them easier to understand, communicate, and analyze. BPMN defines various elements that are used to depict different aspects of a business process.
Here are some key BPMN elements:
- Event: Represents something that happens during the process, such as the start of a process, intermediate events, or end events.
- Activity: Represents tasks or work that is performed as part of the process. Activities can be depicted as tasks, sub-processes, or call activities.
- Gateway: Represents decision points or branching in the process flow. Gateways determine which path the process takes based on defined conditions.
- Sequence Flow: Represents the flow of work or control between flow objects, indicating the order of activities.
- Message Flow: Represents the flow of messages between two participants or external entities.
- Association: Represents a relationship or connection between artifacts and flow objects. It is used to provide additional information or documentation.
- Pool: Represents a participant or a major role within the process. It can contain multiple lanes.
- Lane: Represents a sub-division within a pool, typically corresponding to a specific department, role, or responsibility.
- Data Object: Represents data used or produced within the process.
- Group: Provides a visual grouping of related activities or objects.
- Annotation: Provides additional information or explanatory notes about the process.
- Start Event: Represents the start point of the process.
- Intermediate Event: Represents an event that occurs during the process flow, such as timers, messages, or errors.
- End Event: Represents the end point of the process.
- Exclusive Gateway: Represents a decision point where only one of the alternative paths can be taken based on defined conditions.
- Parallel Gateway: Represents a point where multiple paths or activities can be executed in parallel.
- Inclusive Gateway: Represents a decision point where multiple paths can be taken based on defined conditions.
BMPM Gateways are used to control how process paths converge and diverge within a process.
Для проектирования процесса в пределах функционала надо:
1. Определить основной флоу
2. Определить условные флоу
3. Определить есть ли Подпроцессы
Подпроцесс - это группа логически связанных задач. Подпроцесс может содержать как задачи так и другие процессы.