These are often the most overlooked
These are often the most overlooked and most used rooms in the house. Often youll find that the kitchen and the bathroom are overlooked if youre redoing your house. Think about it, have you redone at least even one of these rooms within the past few years? The answer is probably going to be a no, in which case think back to the last time you even looked closely at your bathroom or kitchen glass shower cabin other than to clean it.
More than likely when you noticed anything at all you would dismiss the idea and put it off for another time when you could devote more time to your decorating bathroom or kitchen projects. At that time though the place probably didnt look as bad as it does now, after all, the years add up and even though youve been keeping it spotlessly clean you cant stop the slow march of time.
Chances are that if you take a closer look now youll find that the curtains are looking a might drab and worn around the edges, as are the bathroom rugs. And the soap dish, lets not even go there. Its quite true that they dont make them like they used to, and with good reason.
Throw out all the unnecessary clutter and get yourself some new accessories, youll be surprised at what you can find these days. Besides youve probably been eyeing that lovely bathroom set you saw in the shop for some time now, so at least now youll have a reason to go out and splurge on yourself. While youre at it dont forget to buy that lovely new spice rack you saw for the kitchen, and a few rugs that can be used in either room.
These should ideally be resistant to such everyday accidents like water spillages along with soap and other things that always somehow seem to embed themselves in your carpets.
If youre looking for new ideas however on decorating bathroom or decorating kitchen spaces there are a number of sources for you to get your inspiration from. The best Ive found are the catalogs where you can browse through to your hearts content. With these options you can even substitute something thats less expensive for the items that you see in the catalogs. This then is the best way to get your decorating projects off the ground and will keep you happily busy for some time yet, and your long suffering bathroom and kitchen areas spotlessly new and shiny.