Simple to make lots of money. Net RM300 in 3 hours! Just by one product and sharing with friends.
This item costs more than 78 bucks elsewhere. Fingo sold it for 36.90 .
Here is what one of our PS did.
She messages her friends who are back in hometown on her FB group and send them the picture of this and says she can get it for them at 70. Which is already cheaper than outside.
She gets 9 orders in 3 hours.
She proceeds to buy 9 in batches of 3 and ships it to her hometown to her sister who will keep it until they buyers come over to collect. (She could drop ship to them also but because they are all close friends and nearby , just ship to one address).Enter
She gets to use RM20 voucher for every 3 , so total vouchers she used is RM60.
Her price + shipping is 108.7 X 3 ( she bought 9 in batches of 3) = RM326.1
Her selling price is RM70 each. So revenue 9X RM70 = 630.
Net profit RM 303.9.
Dont forget , she earns cash back also which 1.84X9 = more than 10 bucks.