May 11, 2022

Make Money with Singh Expert Option Trading Signals Guide


Dear traders,

This information is for novice subscribers who don’t fully understand how to use this channel. More precisely, how to operate the trading signals themselves.

To start, you’ll need to open a trading account with ExpertOption via this link: It is  recommended that you use the incognito tab in your browser while registering. You may then login to your trading account through your usual browser tab.


To successfully earn a profit using our free trading signals, you must do the following:

1) where all trading activity will take place.

2) Open the “Make Money with Singh | VIP” Telegram channel which will provide you with free live trading signals. Once you see a new signal posted on the channel - act as fast as possible! These trading signals are live, so even 1-3 seconds of hesitation after the post is made could ruin a potentially positive outcome of a trade.

Trading signal example:

Example of a 1st signal in 5 min trading session

Please keep in mind that trading signals are given from Monday to Friday at the following time: 13:30-14:30 and 19:30-20:30 (GMT+5:30)

3) All signals will include the following information:

  • Asset - the trading instrument which you should use;
  • Investment amount - the amount of money which you should invest in a particular trade. Please keep in mind that you should never invest more than 10% of your balance on the trading platform. Example: You deposited $100, that means you should invest no more than $10 per trade. If you deposited $1,000, you should not risk more than $100 per trade;
  • Expiration time - the time frame your opened deal will be active for;
  • Prediction - is the predicted direction in which a price will move, either up or down - this is what you should follow.

4) Firstly, look at the Asset on which the price prediction was made. In this example it’s EUR/USD. Consequently, select the EUR/USD currency pair on the ExpertOption trading platform. To do it, simply navigate to the upper-left corner of the trading page and find the asset selection menu as shown on the image below:

Asset selection menu location

After that, select the “Currencies” option in the asset category list and choose the EUR/USD currency pair. Don’t forget to set the expiration time to 5 minutes, as all signals are provided for a 5 min trading session. Finally, press on the blue “Apply” button.

Asset selection menu

5) Secondly, you need to enter the Investment amount which is $10 in our case. To do so, go to the bottom of the trading page and enter the amount as shown on the image below:

Investment amount

6) The third and final step is the Prediction, and in our case the signal says “DOWN”. Thus, press the red button and wait for the result.

DOWN prediction

Nevertheless, if the trading signal in our group says “UP”, press the corresponding green button because the price is predicted to go up.

UP prediction

The result won’t take a long time to wait for. As soon as it comes in, just take your profit!

Successful deal

Trading strategy

This is what you will most likely see:

  1. 5 MIN Trading Session has started and the 1st signal is given.
  2. The Trader noticed that the graph started to move in the opposite direction. Thus, the 2nd deal should be opened in order to profit. Most importantly, we should recover the possible unsuccessful trade of $10 in the 1st deal. To do it, we make a 2nd deal with the same asset and graph direction. However, we increase the investment amount by two times ($20). The expiration time here is the same as was set for the 1st deal. Consequently, you don’t need to input it again while placing the 2nd deal.
  3. The Trader noticed that the graph is still moving in the opposite direction which means that the 3rd deal in this trading session should be opened in order to profit. Again, to recover the possible unsuccessful trade of $20 in the 2nd deal, we invest $40. Using the same direction and asset, again the expiration time does not need to be indicated.
  4. The last deal for this 5 min trading session is needed in order to profit. Thus, we place the 4th deal which recovers the possible unsuccessful trade of $40 in the 3rd deal. As you see, the investment amount here is not multiplied by 2, because the signal says to invest $90 instead of $80. Why? Because the profitability on the EUR/USD asset is usually 86% and pure Martingale strategy doesn't work here. The investment amount in this case should be increased a bit more than just two times.
  5. Here is the successful outcome of a 5 min trading session. As you can see, the first 3 deals were unsuccessful and only the 4th deal had a positive outcome. Because of the Martingale strategy (recovery of unsuccessful trades) we succeeded in the overall trading session and made a profit!


To summarise, the trading signals of experienced traders could easily boost your income. Therefore, you should monitor our TG channel daily, in order to increase your profits. And yes, you can always check the history of trades which have been posted on the channel. Don’t be surprised but the success rate is above 75%:

History of trading signals' outcome from "Make money with Singh" TG channel

P.S. Please keep in mind that all trading signals given in this channel are exclusive to the ExpertOption broker. However, you may use them with any other trading platform as well, but for the best results it’s highly recommended that you only use them with the ExpertOption platform.
Nevertheless, you will need to open a trading account with the ExpertOption broker via this link: in order to use our trading signals.