July 12, 2022

Дискуссионный план урока по теме Work-life balance

Как вдохновить ученика разговориться? Выбрать тему, которая его волнует! Чем более она дискуссионная, тем активнее студент захочет подключиться к ее обсуждению.

Взрослые ученики часто сталкиваются с проблемой баланса отдыха и работы. Умеет ли студент соблюдать этот баланс? Поговорите с ним об этом. Ниже — готовый план дискуссионного урока на тему “Work-life balance”.

Эту статью подготовили для вас методисты Skyeng на основе урока по теме “Work-life balance” для нашей собственной платформы Vimbox. На платформе урок включает интерактивные упражнения, аудио, видео, грамматические степы и много других материалов. Вы легко найдете урок 2 в курсе New General English Intermediate.


Warm Up

Подготовьте ученика к уроку с помощью следующих вопросов:

  • What things are important in your life?
  • Do you feel that you’ve got enough time for your family and friends? Or do you feel torn between your personal and professional life?
  • Do you agree that it’s important to achieve balance in every sphere of your life? Do you have it?
  • How much time do you devote to work?
  • Would you like to change anything in your work-life balance? What is it?
  • What factors are important for a good work-life balance?

Полезный совет: в начале урока сделайте небольшой обзор темы и грамматики, чтобы ученику было проще ориентироваться.

Today for 50 minutes, we are going to discuss your work activity and decide if it leaves you enough time for enjoying life outside of your workspace. Along with this, we’ll learn useful words and common grammar constructions for talking about your daily life.

Словарь урока

a chore — рутинное дело
work-life balance — баланс между работой и жизнью
to cut out — исключать
to ignore — игнорировать
to improve — улучшать
to make something one’s number one priority — придавать
первостепенное значение чему-либо
to occupy — занимать
to pick — выбирать
to track — отслеживать
to work overtime — работать сверхурочно

Полезный совет: закрепите выражения, которые ученик не слышал, в контексте.

The speed of “modern” life has increased and we do not have time to do the chores like ironing any more.

Грамматика, которая легко встроится в тему

Изучите Past Simple на примере подходящего контекста.

Did + S + V (base form) + … ?
Did you work overtime yesterday?

Was/were + S + … ?
Were you at work?

Question word + auxiliary + S + V + … ?
When did he come back home?

Who/what/which + Ved/V2 + … ?
We don’t use auxiliary verbs after who, what and which only when they are the subjects of the questions.
What made you so happy?

Помните: в разговоре важна беглость. Если учащийся делает ошибки, разберите их после занятия.

Практическое задание

Предложите ученику определить, в каком времени заданы следующие вопросы. Затем попросите его ответить на них.

  1. Did you work overtime last week?
  2. Will you have time for your hobbies next week?
  3. Who calls you most often?
  4. How many hours have you already worked this week?
  5. Are you always forgetting things?

Транскрипт подкаста:

1. I am a provincial high school teacher with 20 years of work experience. I believe it is important to know what you want to achieve in your life. When I was younger, I thought to be successful meant making a lot of money, and I worked hard to achieve this goal. When I look back on my life, I realise that I sacrificed a lot of time for my job, often missing out on moments with my family and friends. Now, I have the knowledge that comes with age and experience, and I can see that my priorities have changed. The only thing that matters to me now is spending my free time with my daughter. I have even taught her how to fish! My main goal has shifted from making money to spending my time with my family. Once a year, I make an effort to take time for us to go on an extended holiday and enjoy each other.

2. My job as a freelancer is both very rewarding and extremely challenging. I have all the freedom I could ever ask for: I get to travel the world and work from almost any location. It is, however, tough to work for myself, but I currently earn enough to support my desire to travel and my love of foreign cuisines. People think that because I’m a freelancer, I have it easy. But that is just not true. I am often working crazy hours, even more hours than my friends in their office jobs. I am also quite stressed as I depend a lot on my clients with their deadlines and schedules, which means I don’t often have much time for myself.

Пусть ученик прослушает подкаст на тему баланса работы и отдыха и ответит на вопросы:

  • Which speaker, in your opinion, has a better work-life balance? Why?
  • Whose situation is more similar to yours? In what way?
  • Which of the two stories is a more popular case nowadays? Why? Do you know such people?

Актуальные материалы для обсуждения с полезной лексикой

  • Баланс между работой и отдыхом — это миф? Ученик узнает об этом из увлекательной статьи It’s Time to Rethink Work-Life Balance.
  • Все любят TedTalks за лаконичность и информативность! Предложите ученику посмотреть видео о балансе: https://youtu.be/jdpIKXLLYYM
  • Ученик найдет полезные советы и лайфхаки по сохранению баланса в серии подкастов Best Work Life Balance Podcasts.

Продуктивных уроков!