July 12, 2022

Дискуссионный план урока: личное пространство

Не всем ученикам легко разговориться на уроке. Но если тема вызывает у студента любопытство и наталкивает на размышления, ему всегда есть что сказать! Что ваши ученики думают о личных границах и личном пространстве? Посвятите этой теме урок и обсудите на нем все вопросы, погружаясь в грамматику Should in hypothetical statements.

Эту статью подготовили для вас методисты Skyeng на основе часового урока по теме Personal space для нашей собственной платформы Vimbox. В уроке на платформе вас ждут интерактивные упражнения, аудио, видео, грамматические степы и другие полезные материалы. Вы легко найдете урок 13 в курсе New General English Advanced.

Warm Up

Настроиться на тему помогут вопросы:

  1. What do you think personal space is?
  2. How does our need for personal space depend on the situation?
  3. How much space do you need when you’re alone or with friends/relatives?
  4. Do you know anybody who is a close talker? How might this influence communication?
  5. Every culture has different comfort levels of distance. What is personal space like in your culture?
  6. What level of closeness are you OK with? What level of closeness would make you super uncomfortable? What does it depend on?
  7. Is there a place for personal space at work? How should one respond to personal questions from acquaintances?

Словарь урока

breach — нарушение
correlation — связь
to back off — отступать
armrest — подлокотник
take heed — принимать во внимание
to walk sideways — идти боком
animated — оживленный
unrestricted — неограниченный
unwitting — непреднамеренный

Грамматика, которая легко встроится в тему

Изучите тему Should in hypothetical statements.

Объясните разницу между conditional should и should in hypothetical statements

Conditional should is different from the modal should. Conditional should means if. In hypothetical statements about the present and near future conditional should comes at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, it is used with inversion and omission of if.

Should + subject + bare infinitive

Should we be unable to complete the task ourselves, we will ask for help. (=If we are unable to complete the task, we will ask for help.)

Расскажите об использовании should в zero и first conditionals

It is often placed in zero or first conditionals when the outcome is likely or possible.

Should-clause + will + bare infinitive

Should no-one register, I will cancel the webinar.
Should I pass the finals, I will graduate.

Разберите, где используется эта конструкция

Conditional should is more common in writing, such as in guidelines, regulations, etc.

Should-clause + imperative

Should no one answer, please call back tomorrow.

Поясните, как она используется в second conditional

We can use should in the second conditional to emphasise that the condition is unlikely to happen.

Should-clause + would + bare infinitive

Should the computer break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.
Should you listen more carefully, you might understand a little more.

Полезный совет: фокусируйтесь на новых для студента правилах. Напоминайте ученику про возможность подсмотреть в грамматическую карточку, если он не может разобраться с правилом во время выполнения упражнения.

Практическое задание

Предложите ученику посмотреть видео: https://youtu.be/pw3FZ3xOBVo

Вам может пригодиться транскрипция:

This is a perfectly normal elevator ride. This elevator ride is incredibly uncomfortable. What if you could measure these awkward moments? What if you could transcribe them like a conversation? In the 1960s, an anthropologist did just that.

Edward Twitchell Hall was known for conceptualising the personal space bubble, and he also created a whole system of notation to record how people navigate shared space. Hall had been around the world and taught thousands of foreign service personnel how to communicate in different cultures. He believed culture and communication were inseparable, and that communication was as present in silence as in speech. He once wrote, “Man has developed his territoriality to an almost unbelievable extent. Yet, we treat space somewhat as we treat sex. It is there, but we don’t talk about it“.

Hall called his study “proxemics“, and it dissected personal interaction with eight key modes of analysis that each had their own code for recording.

Попросите ученика ответить на вопросы:

  • How did the author of the video illustrate the comfortable and uncomfortable elevator rides?
  • What is the anthropologist Edward T. Hall famous for?
  • What was Hall’s point of view concerning silence?
  • According to Hall, how do people treat personal space?

Актуальные материалы для обсуждения

  • Еще один интересный материал — о границах людей в разных культурах.

Продуктивных уроков!