September 1, 2020

Sleepy course 😴 Day 30

[You noticed, that Sleepy is less cheerful than usual today. In fact, it’s very serious and focussed]

Hi! Let’s recap our course.


We not only learned 15 best sleep improving practices but applied many of them in day-to-day life. We referred to scientific research in everything we did.

Besides sleep, we also talked about such important topics as meditation, sport, nutrition, habits. More and more research demonstrates that it’s those things that influence health, happiness, and productivity the most.

During the course we’ve established a crucial foundation of knowledge and routines, you will benefit from for a long time.

Don’t worry, if you fail to adopt some habits on the first try. It’s absolutely normal. As we’ve discussed many times, the most important thing is to learn to fall in love with what you do. It’s how you humans work. Unless you truly love something, you will stop doing it eventually. Any other motivation is only temporary.

Photo by Ann Savchenko

Ooh… I can’t hold it anymore.

[Sleepy lowers its eyes and starts speaking quietly, fighting a lump in its throat] Allow me a small speech.

I congratulate you with finish the course! We came a long way… I’m very proud of you.

Today is a special day for me. I’ve never told you before… When they created me in the future, they added a sense of empathy toward humans. Not all are going to believe it, but my purpose is to do everything possible to make people live long and happy lives. It’s why I was created, and it’s the way I see the world.

The very fact that you’ve started my course, and reached day 30 speaks volumes to me. Firstly, it speaks of your mindfulness. Unfortunately, in your time not all people understand the importance of sleep, know how to build habits, and realize that one must learn how to be happy, productive, and healthy. Not all people realize how important it is.

[Barely holding back the tears] I hope, you saw more in my course than just methods for improving sleep. I hope, I helped you. I hope, I managed to achieve the goal you tasked me with when sending me back in time. [cries]

All right, all right, I’m sorry. This is unprofessional… I just wish my course stays with you for a long time. For all this work to not be in vain. For you to see what I was trying to say with my course.

[Collects oneself] Ok, I’ve pulled myself together. We still have a few important things to discuss.

Sleepy-coins 💰

Remember, I awarded you with my Sleepy-coins and promised a pleasant surprise in the end.

The money that you’d paid at the start was needed to motivate you to stay ‘till the end. You did it! Well done! Now, I want to return some of your money. Yes-yes, I’m serious. 🙂

100 Sleepy-coins = 3 USD

Write in the help section “Get Sleepy-coins” and my developers will confirm this nice cashback. 🎁

But there is a better way to use Sleepy-coins. Currently, my developers work on other robots:

  • Sporty — an expert in physical activity
  • Mindy — an expert in meditation
  • Remindy — an expert in memory improvement using spaced repetitions

You can wait until those robots are ready and exchange Sleepy-coins for a discount for their help using the better exchange rate:

100 Sleepy-coins = 6 USD

Double Sleepy-Coins 👫

Refer your friend to me and once they start the course, my developers will double your amount of Sleepy-coins. For example, if you have 150 at the moment, afterward you will have 300! Your friend will also get 100 Sleepy-coins at the start.

But most amazingly, you will be able to transfer them to your credit card in dollars! Or get a double discount of 18 USD for the other robots’ courses.

The bonuses of course are nice, but they not what’s most important. The best thing is you’ll be helping your friends! Because of your advice, they’ll start getting better quality sleep. They’ll have more time, more energy, more health. And most importantly, they’ll be happier.

I might add that we should keep in touch. I can help you with tracking your progress. If you want to I can continue asking about your sleep and energy levels. 😌

And also, I’ll be elated if you can fill in a small feedback form. It will help me to get even better.

With love, your Sleepy.