tobacco flavors
November 8, 2021

Know the solutions to Common Problems faced by a Beginner Hookah Smoker

I know there are many articles regarding different accessories and factors related to hookah. However, few articles discuss a few common problems that the beginner hookah smoker may face. There are more numbers of beginner smokers than experienced smokers. Not every smoker is smoking al fakher tobacco peacefully. There are many experienced hookah smokers as well who may face various difficulties while smoking. The problem may arise at any given point in time, so one must have sound knowledge to find the remedy instantly.

This article will discuss the prevalent issues and provide detailed remedies to try them while any such situation arises within your hookah setup. So if one faces such a problem, these remedies can provide an instant solution, and one can again start smoking hookah. But, first, let me jump into the main discussion topic for which I know many are eagerly waiting.

Smoke Issue:

This is the most common problem that every smoker must have faced once in their smoking times. Unfortunately, I have also come across many smokers who think that the main problem lies within hookah tobacco only. This can be one of the reasons but cannot be the sole reason for facing a smoking issue while enjoying a hookah session at home. One may use Alfahker Hookah, but there are several factors which one must not overlook while planning to smoke alfakher tobacco in your hookah setup. There can be multiple issues for not getting the desired white dense smoke, and one can even find the remedy very simple if one has the correct information about the same.

Here are the few things which one needs to check while facing a smoke issue from the hookah set up; they are as follows:

Check the overall connection:

One should set this as a rule that whenever you are even planning to have a hookah session, whether from Alfahker Hookah or any other hookah set. One should check all the parts of the hookah precisely and should check all the connections so that there is no leakage. For beginners, one should make sure that all the gaskets in the hose pipe are appropriately sealed so that external air can enter into the hookah setup. One should specifically check the connection in the hookah stem as this problem commonly occurs in the steam of the hookah setup. The hookah bowl, along with the hose port and every connection, must be checked precisely before further proceeding to enjoy your perfect hookah session with al fakher tobacco.

Have a close look at Purge Valve:

This is a prevalent issue that both beginner and experienced hookah smokers often face. It can turn out to be a complex problem that may arise in between your hookah session. Just imagine you are smoking premium tobacco like alfakher, and all of a sudden, this problem arises in the purge valve of your hookah setup. One should always check on the purge valve and look to see if there is no blockage in the overall ball bearing of the purge valve. If there is no purge valve in the hookah setup, then many problems may arise, resulting in less dense smoke, which one may not like during their hookah session. The primary function of the purge valve is that it prevents smoke leakage from the hookah base.

Heat the coal properly:

I know nowadays many are there who are using quick ignition coal in their hookah setup. But there are still many who don't like the additional smell of the quick ignition coal, and they still prefer using natural coal. For the beginner, it is a tedious job to ignite the natural coal properly. I always recommend using a coal burner or a stove for perfectly igniting the natural coal. Natural coal is always recommended to be kept in the tobacco mix for two to three minutes before charging the hookah to begin your hookah session in Alfahker Hookah.

Repack the hookah bowl:

I know many were not expecting this point over here. But this is one of the best things to do. For many beginners setting up a hookah bowl ideally is not always possible as a result which sometimes, without even having any issue with the hookah set up, the desired smoke cannot be expected from the hookah. If you think that using too much al fakher tobacco will produce more smoke, then you are wrong. It will only increase the overall strength of the hookah buzz but will never have more smoke. If one is expressing less smoke, then it is always suggested that to repack the hookah bowl so that more ventilation can be provided to the overall hookah. One should never forget that proper ventilation is always required to get the desired dense smoke from the hookah.

Blockage in Hookah Setup:

This is another common issue that is often faced by both the beginner and the experienced hookah smoker. For example, if you are smoking a premium brand of tobacco like alfakher, but you find out that the hookah is not working at its best, you are not getting the desired smoke from the hookah setup. I know it is very frustrating, but if one has the correct skill and the knowledge about the hookah setup, the remedies are very simple to adapt.

Blockage in Hookah Bowl:

Suppose one uses the hookah set up for a very long time and has not cleaned it for a long time. Then it is very evident that there will be a blockage in the hookah bowl. One also always makes sure that the holes in the hookah bowl are clean or not. One must always ensure that the holes in the hookah are open so that airflow can be done smoothly. One can use a small stick to clean the holes in the hookah bowl as a layer of carbon stays on the surface of the hookah bowl after multiple hookah sessions. I will always suggest all the hookah smokers who are also using Alfahker Hookah to clean the hookah bowl with water after every hookah session to keep your hookah bowl clean, which will never leave any blockage in your hookah bowl.

Proper holes in the aluminum foil:

This topic is not applicable for everyone, as many prefer covering up the entire hookah bowl with aluminum foil. On the other hand, many don’t like to keep the whole hookah bowl covered, but they keep the head open. I will always prefer those who prefer keeping the entire hookah bowl cover but provide enough holes in the aluminum foil so there can be a proper airflow in the overall hookah setup. If you are even using al fakher tobacco with improper ventilation, you will also not get the desired dense smoke from the hookah.

Hence, many often face a few common problems while having a soothing hookah session with al fakher tobacco. One should always keep these small notes in their mind so that if any problem arises while having your hookah session, one can instantly identify the issue and provide the correct remedy so that one can enjoy the whole hookah session with minimal interruption. I hope this article will help you in the future if any such issue arises. It is always recommended that one take proper care of the hookah to enjoy the hookah session every time.