tobacco flavors
March 22, 2021

An in-depth research on AL FAKHER The best from the rest

So, ladies and gentlemen – probably you are the most sensitive hookah lovers and love to experiment with hookah flavors. But are you sure you have got all the latest information related to the brands – possibly known for delivering all-time hits? If you think romancing with smoke is enough for you and all that you want– then it's not, of course, a full stop to your knowledge on brands and their flavors. That's the most segment where you get stuck; a genuine hookah lover never stops at knowing little things. They are eager to learn all the most significant possibilities of hookah. You need to be a hookah know-it-all. If you are a beginner or a pro, you should always be ready with the answers to show. Also, If you are well-aware of hookah etiquette, then you can be at cloud 9.

Smoking hookah is a fun and relaxing pastime. It has been recognized as the most fun-filling activity and enlightens the smoking purpose. Hookah's root is derived from centuries of culture and tradition, leading to this century's ultimate innovation. Also, most of the things are established in the expectations and consist of many rules. Hookah's purpose is entirely based on some perfect regulations and set up properties that deeply indulge into the best of hookah features and make the most out of it. Many of these rules, which exist, have eased up a bit, and some depend on the environment of the hookah session. Features are also dependent on the type of hookah sessions. Different sessions vary in different environments. Bet it at your terrace or a lounge or a hookah parlor.

Flavors also play an integral role in hookah sessions; many people are fond of exploring hookah, but their knowledge is limited to some specific features. It's always better to be overly cautious. Hookah flavors are wonderful to experiment with. Talking about flavors, one of the best and prominent brands that are still good to experiment and execute satisfies hookah sessions. The alfakher, this significant tobacco flavor, is perhaps the most recognized and widely available shisha on the planet. Millions of fans dedicated their positive and honest feedback on al fakher. This tobacco company offers a wide variety of shisha flavors to suit the tastes of their global audiences. Many hookah lovers may be heard of al fakher, but how many of them know the flavors' varieties? Do you think that you have tried all the goodness of the flavors that alfakher offers? You might think twice because the brand has so many flavors to offer. New hookah smokers often ask, "So which Al Fakher flavor should we try?" Even pro hookah lovers also get confused about choosing the best of al fakher flavors.

Al fakher has been in this industry since 1999. The flavors of tobacco have been dominating the industry for many years. Since the early days, Al Fakher has been adding new and exciting flavors to their line to complement their world-famous Double Apple and Mint.

They are innovating and experiencing each day to bring out the most authentic and fine tobacco flavors to ensure their customers. If you are overwhelmed with other tobacco flavors, then taste the Al Fakher for at least once in a lifetime! It's going to rock your party and uplift your mood. Their massive selection of shisha will motivate you to indulge in the exotic flavors of tobacco.

Can you find a detailed guideline on choosing the best alfakher flavors and know the exact types? Are you curious? This list also contains such flavor names renowned for best-selling for its extraordinary smoke quality and mixing potential apart from double apples and mint.

Let's get the facts of flavors:

Al Fakher Watermelon Mint

It is the specific shisha flavor that is also responsible for making the alfakher house. This premium shisha holds the perfect combination of sweet watermelon and cooling mint, which offers you a fire party with a pleasing flavor and the thick clouds that al fakher is known for! This is a full flavor combined with a juicy blend and fruity taste that delivers a sweet yet fresh taste! It's also soothing for your taste bud.

Al Fakher Cappuccino

Deep down, are you a coffee person? The al fakher cappuccino is perfect for getting you an instant flavor of coffee through an appropriate hookah session. This flavor will give you a coffee buzz precisely what you feel in the morning while taking a fresh sip. This flavor comes with a surprisingly smooth and creamy palette. This is a prevalent and extraordinary stand-alone flavor; however, if you want to experiment more, then you can go for a pinch of al fakher vanilla or cinnamon to start your excellent hookah session.

Al Fakher Peach

Who says peach? Now you might wonder, "Peach for hookah! Oh my god! Now, this is something amazing!" but yes, you heard right, peach flavor for hookah tobacco, and it is again a popular flavor just like mint and double apple. You will love the taste as it enhances the ingredients that deliver sweet fruitiness and the tart and tangy bite create a delicious combination.

Al fakher is a more fruit-based flavor as opposed to the sweeter fruit interpretations like AF watermelon. If you want to enjoy a bold and passionate hookah session, then peach is just for you.

Al Fakher Vanilla

Now, this is the ultimate flavor enhancer that you could genuinely trust on. Al fakher Vanilla, delicious on its own, has the enriching power to enhance almost any hookah tobacco flavor. The al fakher lovers will recommend this fantastic flavor for a great unforgettable hookah session.

You can try out this subtle flavor mixing with mint, lemon, apple, cinnamon, peach, grape, orange, or just anything you would like to experiment with. You won't regret it!

Al Fakher Berry

This flavor is quite uncommon, but if you are a hardcore berry lover and often start your day with a lovely berry smoothie, you can explore the berry differently! Trust me; it will not let you down. Al fakher berry offers a delicious blend of raspberry and blackberry with a slightly floral aroma resulting in a sweet yet tart flavor – and here the twist comes. You can feel the sweetness with a party favor. You can also pair this up with a glass of cold lemonade and sail away to a refreshing summer berry paradise!

Al Fakher Rose

One of the most beautiful and precious substances to make anything attractive. Now, al fakher has beautifully extracted the mild floral flavor to make a perfect essence of the rose petals when it comes to tobacco. This is the ideal flavor for sharing with that special someone!

When you fire up the bowl, you get the instant smell of identifiable notes of a dozen long-stemmed roses. But the flavor is sweeter than you might think. You can try the taste by mixing it with alfakher Jasmine for a more floral smoke or the lemon or vanilla for a genuinely delicious session. Enjoy your favorite flowery cereal!

Al Fakher Blueberry Mint

Al fakher blueberry mint is a perfectly balanced blend that gives you the ultimate pleasure of a hookah session. Mint always works like a herb and never fails to satisfy the taste bud. These blueberry and mint flavors offer the sweet and tart notes of blueberries with a cool mint exhale. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for new hookah smokers, and pro's also recommended to the hookah people who never try this out!

Quality that won't let you down!

Ah! The most prominent and renowned brand for delivering significant results can't deceive you in quality and never fail to satisfy you. They are not famous for being in the market for several years now but for their exceptional quality and unique offerings on flavors that make the individual successful.

Most importantly, al fakher is a premium tobacco brand that is equally good for beginners, seasoned, and expert hookah smokers. The amazing range of hookah flavors they market is another key in their persistently increasing fame in the market. Al fakher is top-rated on everything, be it a range of costs, quality, and other characteristics. However, alfakher premium tobacco flavors also get critics best reviews for keeping the exact flavor. If you have a minimum budget but are eager to explore this brand's various flavors. Then you can get the flavors at a minimum cost but don't think you couldn't be able to experience good hookah flavor. They even love to invent new ideas for their enthusiastic all-time customers.

Some essential components are solely responsible for making this brand visible in the market. Besides that, the flavors hold the best smoking quality, which is also the essential one. These flavors are also able to provide you an exceptional quality that offers highly dense smoke. These are perfect for all the smoke ring lovers, and your friends will probably enjoy having the best tobacco flavors that come at a minimum price. You can do any smoking rings trick with the highly-dense smoke of these best hookah flavors.


Find your best time to explore al fakher and enjoy an ultimate hookah session. If you want your party people to witness something extraordinary on a budget, then al fakher flavors are the best. Also, if you have doubts about inventing new flavors, you can blindly rely on this!

Al fakher promises you to find your own passion for hookah flavor!