June 17, 2021

The justified facts of John Bowls-The exciting and innovating

Are you striving out for some of the best hookah accessories? Then you must try out to have some of the world's most renowned hookah bowls. Before buying anything, you must be aware of the facts and features of all the latest things you wish to buy.

John Bowls – one of the most trending and fascinating things for all the smoke enthusiastic that offers the utmost pleasure of hookah lovers. There are variants of the bowls that have been ruling the hookah industry for a few years, but John Bowls is something you can try out to taste something new. If you are an insane lover of hookah and often want to experience new flavors and innovative things, you must opt-out for a great exploration with John Bowls. This one will surely upgrade your knowledge about the concept and give you the ultimate insight to have a satisfactory purchase.

john bowls

Before getting into specifically john bowls. You might be happy to know that there are other bowls that exist that make you feel equally comfortable. So, let’s take a sneak peek of tits and bits.

The Harmony Bowl

Have you heard of this bowl? The outstanding bowl holds almost the same features as 80 feet but in a broader way. Harmony bowl is specifically the preferred bowl for most hookah smokers. Simply because of easy packing, easiest to use whether you are a veteran smoker or beginner. It holds the funnel exactly like the 80 feet, but it is lengthier. The simple funnel has a specific design that allows maximum airflow and keeps your stem and water clean from juices.

The Trimony Bowl

Trimony is there for you to give you a mind-blowing treat, if you are a perfect hookah lover then you as a responsible smoker must have the concept to get the airflow on their bowls. Trimony bowl has three cuts in the internal spire that allow air to pass between the tobacco leaves while smoking. But be cautious; pack the bowl as you normally would but make sure you have a bigger room to breathe.

The 80 feet Bowl

This is a specific kind of bowl that looks smaller in size and quite similar to the harmony bowl. This 80 feet bowl is perfect for a 45 minutes session. If you are an ardent fan of tangiers tobacco then this bowl is perfect for you. This bowl holds a small phunnel as the funnel is perfect for short sessions. If you want to have some shisha, you might go ahead with this specific bowl.

The Ferris Bowl

Ferris bowl has some added advantages and is renowned for enlisting its name in the heat management system. If you use HMD like Kaloud Lotus, the ferris bowl is perfect to offer you a lengthy session. However, other bowls can deliver such services but in this way. The bowl has a specific feature of an interior lip that holds one in place. But the packing area is not as large as it seems. So, check before buying. Still, it is among the top favorites of hookah bowls.

The Red Clay Harmony Bowl

Well, are you a twisted lover? Then you must opt for a red clay harmony bowl. This specific harmony bowl consists of all the modern high-quality materials in a modern way but loves to follow traditional twists. After a few sessions, you will eventually realise that the clay bowl is outstanding and contain the interior lip for your own HMD choice.

The Wide Gauge Harmony Bowl

This specific bowl also carries the similarity of harmony bowl that comes with a wider interior phunnel. It holds the same quality construction. Some smokers like the extra-wide bore while others do not. But the decision is completely up to you.

The Flying Saucer Bowl

Well, I feel that you suddenly started laughing as I pronounced the name. Yes it is funny but there is a cause to name this specific bowl. The flying saucer bowl or FSB is quite different from the rest of the bowls. The middle spire contains holes on the sides rather than the top while the spire extends higher than the lip of the bowl. This entire process allows everything for overpacking and ease of heat management.
Now after getting all these points, we need to be back at the most important point where we lost. While talking about other bowls, we almost forget that our main focus has to be John Bowls. So, without wasting any further time, let’s get ready to elaborate and know the bowls more deeply and majorly.

party with john bowls

The most famous John Bowls

If you are striving for some of the best bowls, the john bowls could be your one-stop destination, no doubt.

This has been the most trending and fascinating thing for all the smoke enthusiasts for some years. This specific hookah bowl offers the utmost pleasure to hookah lovers. There are variants of the bowls that have been ruling the hookah industry for a few years, but John Bowls is something you can try out to taste something new.

Choosing John Bowls - Why?

The most demanding hookah bowls you could find on the planet. But the question is, why? Choosing the john bowls over hundreds of bowls would be a clever idea. You will feel more excited when you will select the bowl over thousands.

If you are doubting or somewhat confused about making it your next purchase, then you must delve deep into some core facts of John Bowls.

What makes it more approachable to hookah lovers compared to other bowls?

Pleasing Personality

Whenever you see this kind of bowl, you need to express your liking in words and that will be: ‘WOW’.

The look! John Bowls is best known for the approach and a pleasant look. Remember, visibility plays an important role. John Bowls must win the competition when it comes to speaking about each piece's outlook. It is made of such ingredients that make the bowl unique and outstanding.

Attractive Color

Color is one of the foremost things that doesn’t need any advertisement. A good color is always suitable to make anything more rustic, good looking and sober. This rule applies on the hookah as well. If you are in love with john bowls especially, you must be attracted by the attractive color it appears.

Easy to Clean

You have to take care of your bowl after using it. John Bowls is sophisticated and thus needs much care after every use. However, it is easy to clean and hazard free. So, you don't need to have much trouble cleaning the bowl. Other bowls exist in the market that tend to deliver much complexity. Many of the bowls fail to impress the users because of the trouble. This bowl offers you the easy-to-use feature.


Utility- the most important part and feature of the hookah bowl. Joh Bowls are quite renowned for offering a more excellent utility compared to the other bowls. They can be easily uplifted and held. These bowls are even perfect for first-time users.

Type and Styles

The most popular substance used to produce bowls is clay or ceramics. However, John bowls are made of different substances such as stone, glass, metal, and even wood. But mostly focused on ceramics.

coal burner

Before buying any kind of bowls just make sure that a good bowl is always essential to establish a long lasting hookah session. Because a bowl plays an integral role in the whole process of hookah. If you can’t achieve a good set up along with a good bowl, your whole effort will go in a huge waste. You can witness an empty result at the end of the day. Bowl is the primary thing to hold the hookah as a whole, especially the tobacco. I hope you know well, that without the help of tobacco, your hookah session is next to impossible.

Bowl has been considered one of the most critical and essential components of the shisha pipe. The bowl is positioned at the top of the hookah. The bowl is also recognized as a hookah head by some people in different regions.

Wrapping Up

Before smoking up the hookah, your primary focus will be warming up the bowl. You have to place the coal to warm up only from the top. Though you have coals placed on a foil or heat management device, you need to be sure about the sidewalls that have to be heated up. That is why, when using foil, it is essential to notice the place where the coals are put, and it would be great if you place it as close to the edges as possible.
It is mostly getting quite tricky with other bowls at the time of placing or adjusting the coal. But for the John Bowls, you will just simply experience a handy procedure.