April 24, 2019

How Data is Helping Agriculture Industry

At the first glance, it seems a little odd to say that Data Analytics is having a huge impact on agriculture, but this fact is actually the reality today. While the invention of machines had transformed the agriculture after the 16th century, it’s the data which is going to change the picture of agriculture in the coming times.

Modernization of agriculture has been going on for the last few centuries, and it was the late decades of the twentieth century when we witnessed the launch of agriculture-focused satellites. They were used for education and training and essential information, and that was the first instant when data related to agriculture was recorded. And today, since more and more farmers are getting connected with this, there’s a tremendous amount of data with billions of connected devices which can be tapped in for better productivity and improving the conditions of farmers.

How is Data Analytics Helping Agriculture?

a.      Increasing the Yield Production: The population of the world is growing at a tremendous pace, and of course, it’s the farmers who have to feed the entire planet. Modern machines have indeed helped in increasing the yields, but they’re quite incapable of facing the challenges of what’s coming next. Data analytics can’t help directly in increasing the yield, but it can help farmers in analyzing the weather condition, soil, biomass index etc. With the help of predictive analysis, farmers can get better insights on which crop to sow and where and when. This is very important in developing countries such as India, which have a huge population.

b.     Management of Risks: Almost every year, a big fraction of the crops is destroyed because of bad weather, flood, droughts, insects etc. Data Analytics can help in this department as well. It can help farmers calculate the chances of crop failure and to take the necessary steps in advance. In 2014, Colombian Scientists reported that with Data Analytics, they were able to save millions of dollars because of changing weather patterns.

c.      Food Safety and Preventing Spoilage: Insects and rodents have been one of the major factors leading to the spoilage of millions of tons of grains in silos. Other factors like humidity, chemicals, and temperature also have an effect on the stored grains. Here as well, Data Analytics can highlight the potential threats so that the experts involved in proper storage of grains can prevent spilling. In a country like India, where millions of people are forced to remain hungry, this method will prove to be a boon.

d.     Precision Agriculture: According to Industries of the Future by Alec Ross, one of the prime reasons why India lags behind agriculture is the lack of precision agriculture. Precision agriculture is based on Big Data and Analytics. It uses modern technologies such as GPS to enable a farmer in measuring the fluctuations of irrigation, nutrients, fertilizers etc. With the help of Data Analytics, farmers can make better decisions related to soil and crop management.

Scope of Data Analytics in Agriculture

Agriculture is perhaps one of the newest industries to tap into the Data Analytics field. Farmers have a big responsibility of feeding our ever increasing population, and they can’t do it without a large number of skilled Data Professionals.

Resource Box

Agriculture is one of those industries which will exist forever because, of course, we need food to live. If you want to ensure the food security of our future generation, then Data Analytics is the perfect gateway. Enroll in this Data Analytics course in India and start your journey now.

Click here for more information.