April 10, 2022

Modern electronic music is like symphonies back in the days?

I contemplated how some of electronic music EPs may be the symphonies of today.

Some of them do really follow a certain path, and combined with tricky names that go along with each other, form a plot sometimes.

What's more, there is no vocals usually, just like in symphonies.

And just like back in the days of symphonies, people use what they have to produce sound.

Some centuries ago, highest class equipment were organs and cellos. Today, they make the most out of synthesisers and computers, plus a variety of bizarre machines.

Chopin, for example, was born in Poland but spent most of his life far away from this country. He expressed his homesickness by writing around 60 mazurka pieces, which is a Polish traditional dance music.

Maybe it’s just a trick of mind, but it looks funny to me that potentially the music of today could be studied some centuries after. Though I do not really believe in this.