October 18, 2024

Solana Honeypot Contract

How it works?

Works like everyone's familiar honeypot token through, will not let the holder sell your project token.

The token created with our software does not use freezing.

Settings with which the token is launched:
- Revoke Freeze
- Revoke Mint

Solana Honeypot :

โƒ Close Sales (blacklists all holders except those who have been whitelisted)
โƒ Open Sales (Returns the right to sell token to blacklisted holders )
โƒ Whitelist


โƒ It doesn't work for MEV bots. We have delay before freeze wallet.
โƒ Each customer receives a unique contract code. This helps to keep the code undetected for as long as possible.


โƒ $2000 (You get software with which you can create and manage a token and support)
โƒ $200 Update your code. If your unique contract code was detected.

How to use:


Open settings.json file

  • block_RPC - Set Block RPC. Recommned use private RPC. You can use default RPC.
  • close_sale - set auto for auto closing sales. Set manual for manual closing.
  • whitelist - set whitelist wallets
  • use_proxies - set 1 for use proxies, set 0 for use without proxies
  • proxies - set your proxies
  • wallet_pvt - set dev wallet private key
  • jito_fees: - 0.001 - 0.01 (recommend 0.005)
  • revoke_freeze - 1 yes, 0 - no (recommmend 1)
  • revoke_mint - 1 yes, 0 - no (recommmend 1)


Open Solana_honey.exe

Add image and token info.

Click create token.

If you have set the automatic closing of sales, the bot will immediately start blocking all new holders. If you have set a manual close, you need to blocking the holders manually. You can always enable automatic blocking of sales.

Witdraw Liquidity:

To withdraw liquidity or sell tokens use the Raydium or another bots/softs
This soft only for creation honeypot on solana


โƒ It doesn't work for MEV bots. We have delay before blocking wallet.
โƒ Do not close the software. As soon as you close the software, it will stop blocking new holders and they will be able to sell. Blocked holders will also not be able to sell.
โƒ Close the software only after the liquidity is withdrawn from the token.

More info:

The token created with our software does not use freezing.

This means that you will not see such a notification on your token.

We use wallet blocking in our smart contract. No freezing.

Support and buy:
