May 19, 2023

SOLX ® private

Most likely this collection will be banned before I write this guide, but what if! So, I found a bug in the Solana NFT burning system. Let me explain in more detail. There is a website where you can get Solana for burning unnecessary tokens (usually scam tokens and NFTs that are often sent for advertising, etc.). So, I started burning these scam tokens (which accumulated a significant amount in a couple of years in the crypto world) and found that it gave me a little reward, which was nice, and I decided to check this matter for abuse. Of course, I didn't get anything in just over an hour (it would have been very easy, like buying an NFT with a friment and burning it for more money). After another 50-odd minutes of digging on, I found that a significant portion of the burning reward went to a particular collection, namely this one.

Why this one? - I still don't understand myself, maybe there was a mistake or bug in the contract when the collection was created. The thing is that after you mint this NFT and burn it ~ after a while it appears in the collection again as not burned."

What I did step by step

1. Go HERE and click on the "Mint" button.

2. Mint 2 NFTs (exactly 2 NFTs, not more or less).

3.Go to the website for burning NFTs and connect the wallet where you have these NFTs.

Then click on: NFTS - Click on the NFT that you want to burn - CONFIRM BURNS (but don't rush to confirm the burn!)

If you are offered to receive +0.01051 SOL (0.2$) for 1 NFT - don't hesitate to cancel the transaction. Go buy another 2-3 NFTs from this collection and try to burn a total of 5 NFTs.

This time it worked and I received 2.35+ SOL (~50$) for burning.

On to the text to be translated: "I'll say right away, sometimes it only worked for me with 7-9 NFTs, but on average it's 3-5 NFTs. Then we go and mint these NFTs again and burn them until the topic dies! CONCLUSION:

  1. We mint NFTs for 0.05 SOL (~1$)
  2. We go and try to burn them, buying them until we are offered 2.35+ SOL for burning! on average, this is 3 NFTs
  3. We repeat Investment: ~7$ Profit: on average 45-65$ per cycle P.S. If this collection doesn't exist, then the topic has died, and if everything is in place, then go ahead and abuse it!!! Thanks for your attention!"

P.S. If this collection does not exist, it means that the topic has died, but if everything is in place, then go ahead and abuse it!!!

Thanks for your attention!🔥