Крео Анимир. Статика
Сделать крео статику, скину исходник в псд формате, но там нужно будет поработать со шрифтами и сделать анимацию цифр миндэпа (мерцающее свечение), плюс остальных моментов, которые обсуждал с Глебом! На статике ебальник Маска подблюрить, но только так чтоб было понятно что это он!
Сделать несколько вариантов крео, изменить цветовую гамму с красного, на черный, зеленый и гоулбой ( синий), то есть три варианта.
Добавить озвучку Илона Маска, исходник видео скину в тг, + ниже скину текстовку, которую нужно будет взять.
Your life is about to change right now. Today is your lucky day. I don't know how you ended up on this page, but you won't regret it. I sent an invitation to this page to exactly 25 people. You are one of the 25 chosen who will get a chance to increase your income and change your life.
Previously, the minimum investment in the program was 4800 rand, but now it is only 2000 rand. Imagine, this will allow you to earn 9200 rand per day. This is real and available to anyone who is ready to try.
My method is 100% legal and ethical. It has nothing to do with forex or multi-level marketing. If you follow the news, you know that during a financial crisis most people lose their money, but not the wealthy. My partner, who worked at a large private bank, knows how to earn dividends on financial markets even during a crisis.
We tested our algorithm on a small group of people, and each of them received over 55,000 rand in the first week. Now I offer you to try our software for free. In return, I will ask you to write a short review so others know that it really works.
Imagine earning 9200 rand every day. No more complaints about not having enough money. You can go on vacations, buy a house, send your children to the best schools, and dine at the finest restaurants. Imagine a life where you don't have to fear anything.
All you need to do is open an account in our software, and your balance will start to grow. The minimum investment is only 2000 rand. All your money is safe, and you can withdraw it back to your account at any time.
Visit our website and register to continue. Once you do, you will be given access to the members' section where you can see everything step by step. Your data is protected, and there is no risk of it being accessed by anyone. All information on this page is protected from misuse.