Почему тухнет Напольный газовый котел Лемакс
Grasping the main idea of the text, the issue related to a gas boiler malfunctions, especially the Lemaks Floor Gas Boiler, is caused by various factors, such as clogged ignition jets, faulty automation system, circuit breaker failure, pump malfunction, contaminated electrode ionization, and poor draft in the flue. In this article, we will provide you with in-depth insights into the possible causes and solutions to these problems, so that you can keep your gas boiler operating efficiently and safely.
Напольный газовый котел Лемакс может начать тухнуть из-за забитого жиклера пилотной горелки, из-за чего горение перед запальником не происходит в камере котла. Чтобы исправить ситуацию, необходимо открутить гайку термопары, которая расположена справа от запальника, отвести ее в сторону, открутить гайку трубки запальника и также отвести ее в сторону. Затем жиклер должен быть достанут из трубки и продуться. Этот простой способ поможет вернуть котлу работоспособность и стабильное горение. Следует помнить, что регулярная проверка и чистка котла увеличивают его срок службы и позволяют избежать возможных поломок.
Cleaning the Ignition Jets
One of the reasons for the malfunction of the Lemaks Floor Gas Boiler is due to clogged ignition jets. To fix this issue, you need to unscrew the nut of the thermocouple on the right side of the ignition, move it aside, unscrew the nut of the ignition tube, and remove the jet. Then, clean the jet by blowing air through it before returning it to its original place.
Locating the Draft Sensor
The draft sensor in the Lemaks Floor Gas Boiler is located at the back of the boiler. You need to disable this sensor if you want to resolve any issues that may be related to it effectively.
Understanding the Reasons Why Gas Boilers Turn Off
Gas boilers can turn off due to a range of reasons associated with various issues such as malfunctioning automation systems, power outages, circuit breaker faults, pump malfunctions, and contaminated electrode ionization. If your home experiences frequent voltage fluctuations, it is advisable to purchase a stabilizer to ensure the proper functioning of the gas boiler.
Dealing with Flame Shutdown
If the flame keeps shutting down, it is likely due to poor draft in the flue of the boiler. When there is poor draft, the combustion process may not happen correctly, leading to an accumulation of gases that are unsafe. To resolve the issue, you need to check the draft in the flue and gas pressure in the pipe. Afterward, you should eliminate drafts or ensure that air flows evenly in the room.
Troubleshooting Gas Boiler Issues
When troubleshooting issues with a gas boiler, you need to be cautious and thorough. Ensure that you inspect and clean every part of the boiler and its connections to rule out any possible cause of the problem. Additionally, it is necessary to seek professional help if the problem persists even after troubleshooting.
In conclusion, gas boilers are efficient heating systems, but they need proper care and maintenance to ensure that they function correctly. By keeping an eye out for any issues and understanding how to troubleshoot the problems, you can keep your gas boiler running smoothly for many years.