March 7, 2020

Tongue Twisters Marathon

The main idea of this marathon is to improve your speaking skills. Tongue Twisters are considered as the best way to develop speech apparatus. Clear speaking is an extremely important skill for every great Public Speaker.

Rules are simple:

  1. You subscribe to our Instagram page speechclub1.0
  2. Mention speechclub1.0 Instagram page in your stories and write "I accept the challenge".
  3. Every day I will post one Tongue Twister on Instagram and you will need to tell it by heart:
    1. as a video message to the @speech_club_bot OR
    2. as a video with the mention of speechclub1.0 in your Instagram stories.
  4. Each time you send a Tongue Twister - you receive a reply "Accepted" or "Not accepted". If not accepted - you need to tell it once again.

If you survive 14 days of the marathon:

  • I share your profile on this channel and on Instagram with the note "Marathon Winner"
  • And also, you receive a guaranteed place in Masterclass 2.0 this semester.

Important additions:

📘Tongue Twisters will be posted only on our Instagram and as a general message in Speech Club bot

📘You can skip only 2 days of the marathon. If you skip more - you fail the challenge

📘You cannot send a tongue twister of the previous day. Every day Tongue Twisters are accepted from the time they are posted till 1 am of the next day

📘Marathon starts tomorrow 08.03.2020 with the first post on Instagram

📘You need to declare your readiness until the end of 08.03.2020

Instruction how to mention in Instagram stories

Have a question? You are welcomed to the chat

Speech Club