Ancient | Arena Breakout + other
Error: Please launch SteelSeries moment overlay
Error: 0x296
Error: Unknown network error
Error: Failed to downloaded font(-x)
- 解决方法:需要安装字体
Error: Failed to allocate memory(x) Please reboot pc and try again
Error: Failed to load dependencies(x)(-x) Make sure all antiviruses are disabled
Error: Please uninstall Vanguard/Faceit first
Error: AES instruction set is not supported
Error: Please enable Intel VT-X/AMD-V in the BIOS
Error: Incorrect HWID
解决方案:win+R打开cmd,逐个输入这些命令wmic diskdrive 获取标题,序列号wmic 底板获取序列号
Error: VMX/SVM is not supported
- 解决方案:要修复此错误,请浏览至“控制面板”->“程序和功能”->“打开或关闭Windows功能”,并确保“虚拟机平台”和“Hyper-V”已被禁用。如果错误仍然存在,请以管理员身份打开cmd并输入以下命令(不带引号)“bcdedit/set hypervisor Launch type off”,然后按Enter键并重新启动PC
错误:如果游戏中没有出现菜单或者加载器打开后立即关闭- .
- 解决方案:从链接安装库 -
First of all, you need to enable the GeForce Experience overlay, if you have an AMD graphics card, then you need to install SteelSeries.
You MUST launch NVIDIA Share / SteelSeries as Administrator.
FOR NVIDIA GRAPHICS CARD: / To use GeForce Experience overlay, it is not possible to hide the settings, go to Generals and enable the IN-GAME OVERLAY
FOR AMD GRAPHICS CARDS: / To use the model, go to settings in the General section -> general, turn on Sonar, then go to the SONAR tab -> shortcuts, set the master Volume up to the band, for example, the "F7" key, you need to press this band before injection
To launch our product, you will need to:
• Disable the antivirus
• Launch the loader
• Insert a key
• Press the injection
• After the injection loader closes itself, it becomes clear that you can stock up on the game, I just create a new "Insert"
• System requirements: AES (processor); SVM/VT-X (BIOS);
• Compatible with INTEL + AMD processors;
• Windows 10 - 11 | 1809 - 23H2;
• Included Spoofer (no Cleaner);
• 16 GB of RAM