June 13, 2023

Star Conflict 1.7.79

Greetings, captains!

On this spring day we present to you update 1.7.79! Download, install and enjoy space adventures!

Code 'Easy Start' for players up to level 30: LUCKY79.

For total immersion in the game you can watch tutorial videos on the official YouTube channel of the project and chat in Discord with SCH players.

Return of the Queen Event

Fragment from 'Age of Invasion' report, May 4623: <...>The technology of the Aliens is incredibly far from human understanding, as well as their logic, mentality, and social order. The so-called 'swarm intelligence' of this race is considered undeniable, as well as its complete subordination to the main ship. In the spring of 4622, the flagship, which we call the Swarm Queen, attacked the borders of the human galaxy. The combined efforts of Jericho, the Federation and the Empire succeeded in preventing the destruction of the outlying planets with their entire population.

Urgent! Shh... Border Patrol reports... instruments detected shh-shh-shh... outgoing alien signal shh-shh-shh... 'Titan' has requested... a response... The energy surge that's characteristic of opening a portal to the W-world is... Call for backup! Message from Patrol Squadron, Sector Guardian-21, June 4623.

Captains! It's time to unite against the common enemy! Repulse the attack of Swarm Queen and prevent a new Invasion!

Alien's ruling ship, Swarm Queen.

The Alien flagship known in our galaxy as the Swarm Queen is a powerful and dangerous opponent. A protective artifact makes this ship virtually immortal. Thanks to its unique space piercing technology, the Queen almost instantly gets help in combat β€” a pair of Precursors or a swarm of drones that damage and burn the energy of its enemies' ships.

A snapshot of the battle - you can see the drone portals and Precursor strike ships.
Fragment of a report from one of the defenders: Her drones are burning out energy to the first ship... Or random? It seems they're changing tactics. Some of our strikers have become useless junk. Lucky a couple of units had forcefield support. The new Imperial engineer isn't bad, but he's tailored to "theirs" - he worked hard with the Empire's strikers: healed and protected. True, at times the damn drones changed trajectory and hit from the rear... Worst of all, the retaliation was getting more powerful with each strike... That was 5 sorties a day at the most, and then we'd lay low in the Medlab until morning, while the repairmen patted down the holes in the hull and shields of the fleet.
It's time to unite against the common enemy!

Complete Defender Challenges, rank in the ratings, access the blueprints for the new Flash Empire Engineer ship, and unlock prize chests, including the unique Life for Victory frame!

Frame and avatar of the event.

Get lots of mysterious G-Energy in battles with the Swarm Queen and with Eye of the Ancients artifact, and change it for blueprints, skin parts, credits, and resources to upgrade your fleet!

Return of the Queen event will run from June 15 to June 29, 23:59 (UTC).

New ship Flash

The Empire Design Bureau's newest project β€” Flash Engineer ship β€” passed its first tests and proved a worthy ally both in battles against mighty clan bosses and in training battles in the Arenas.

Parameters of the ship at maximum upgrade.
The screenshot above shows the parameters of the ship Flash without a skin, but with a full upgrade - 15 stars, 100% neodium, 110 lvl, maximum patrons and equipment.

Flash ship can protect your allies against clan bosses even at the highest levels (even tested on a level 500 boss), and if you understand its mechanics and use it skillfully, your fleet can deal a lot of damage to your opponents!

Can be useful in the Arena, especially during some modifier events, and in Clan Wars.

A base Flash ship, a cosmetic Dark Flash skin and a functional Royal Flash skin.

The cosmetic skin requires 250 parts, and the functional skin can be purchased as a whole separately or together with the ship in the Premium and WEB-shops.

How to get the blueprints of a Flash ship:

  • win in the Eye of the Ancients β€” up to 10 blueprints for 1 Power Stone;
  • exchange for G-Energy in the Event Shop;
  • buy in the Event Shop for gold in the Offer of the Day;
  • receive Eye of the Ancients for a place in the ranking (daily);
  • receive for a place in the ranking Currency (1 time after the end of the event);
  • receive for completing 4 types of Defender Challenges;
  • obtain in the Challenge Chests β€” up to 200 blueprints;
  • to purchase a whole 3 and 5-star ship in the Premium and WEB-shops;
  • buy a set with ship blueprints in Premium and WEB-shops.

Flash is a bright flash of life in the dark expanse of immense space!

Defenders Challenges

The quests to be completed by the captains are quite varied, and most of them can be accomplished as part of the regular gameplay:

  • Using Flash in battle with 1 formation, deal damage β€” max 50,000,000 damage (cumulatively for several battles).
  • Get stars for the Flash ship β€” maximum 12 stars;
  • Receive a reward for entering the game β€” max 12 times (per 14 days of the event);
  • Fight the Swarm Queen β€” max 50 times (the event lasts 14 days, available up to 5 battles per day);
  • Receive energy from Friends β€” max 50 times (there will be no target change for "send energy");
  • Destroy ships of the Alien faction in any of the modes β€” max 3000;
  • Destroy pirates on the map β€” maximum 200 times (there are 26 battles with pirate fleets in 24 hours for all open Episodes);
  • Receive pentakoin from a fellow member β€” max 100 times (replacing the purpose of the 'send pentakoin' will not be done);
  • Spend gold β€” max 60,000 Gold Standards (all ways of spending gold count, can be done simultaneously with a similar Battle Pass challenges);
  • Collect gold by subscription β€” max 6000 Gold (gold by subscription is collected in the Loot mode; subscriptions can be purchased in the Premium and WEB-shops, and for Tokens of Valor in the Premium shop or received as a gift from the letters from the developers);
  • Complete any premium purchase β€” max 12 times (purchases of gold, sets, subscriptions, steps, BP, Power stones ets. in the Premium and WEB-shops are taken into account).

For completing each stage of the Defender Challenges you will receive Chest Opening Points and unique rewards β€” blueprints for the Flash ship, valuable G-Energy, gold, credits and resources for fleet upgrades.

Return of the Queen event will run from June 15, 16:00 (MSC) to June 28, 23:59 (UTC).

Eye of the Ancients

A unique artifact, Eye of the Ancients, could not ignore the threat of a new Invasion and has awakened to bestow blueprints and valuable resources on brave captains who will take the fight to the Swarm Queen. Charge your artifact with the Power Stones to the max and earn x5 rewards!

Eye of the Ancients and its rewards.
The chance of getting rewards from different sectors of Eye of the Ancients artifact is not the same. Flash and Beholder blueprints have a lower chance of being dropped than other rewards.

How to get the Power Stones:

  • viewing ads once every 24 hours β€” free artifact activation;
  • daily quests β€” 6 Stones per day (get 100 gold on Subscriptions, battle with the Clan Boss, missions on elite difficulty);
  • Charging Eye of the Ancients β€” up to 5 Power Stones per charge on x5 boost;
  • Battle with the Swarm Queen β€” 1 Power Stone per battle, up to 5 battles per day;
  • purchase of sets of 50-110-230-600 Power Stones in Premium and WEB-shop.

Charge your Ancient artifact, earn rewards, pump up your fleet, rank at the top of the rankings and get even more rewards. Play to win and reach new heights!

Eye of the Ancients will be active from June 15 12:00 (UTC) to June 28, 23:59 (UTC).


The following rankings will be available during the Return of the Queen event:

  • Damage to the Boss β€” the place in the rating is determined based on the damage you inflicted on the Boss for the day, the reward is given once a day, the statistics of the previous day's results are reset at 00:00 (UTC);
  • Eye of the Ancients β€” rating points are awarded for each use of the Power Stone, the reward is given once a day, the statistics of the previous day resets at 00:00 (UTC);
  • Currency β€” the place in the ranking is determined on the basis of the total amount of currency received during the event, the reward is given once after the end of the event.

Event Shop

All G-Energy gained during Return of the Queen event or left over from Invasion of the Queen event can be exchanged in the event shop for new ship blueprints, cosmetic skin parts (not boosting, it takes 250 parts per skin), valuable ship blueprints, resources and credits.

Example of an assortment of event shop.

How to get G-Energy:

  • reward for battles with the Swarm Queen β€” 20 pieces up to 5 times a day;
  • gift in the Premium Shop => moved to Daily Quest rewards β€” 50 units once per day;
  • when charging Eye of the Ancients β€” with some probability, unlimited number of times;
  • bonus as part of sets in Premium and WEB-shops β€” unlimited number of times;
  • event-related emails from UMC and developers β€” several times during the event.

G-Energy that you don't have time to spend in the event store will remain safe and sound in the Warehouse until the next similar event.

Return of the Queen event shop will be available from June 15, 12:00 (UTC) to June 29, 23:59 (UTC).

UI/UX changes

  • In battle now displays the charging of passive abilities of ships - if the ship has 0.1-1 sec. of passive ability activation time, the scale may be always red or always black (very quickly charged), and if the passive activated from 2 sec. or longer, you can see the process of filling the red scale.
  • Added display of faction and class on Clan Bosses β€” in the Boss window, and in the Fleet Selection window:
The faction, class, and abilities of the Boss.
  • Improved navigation in Missions through the Warehouse β€” now you can see how many stars the mission passed and whether you can get the desired resource or a blueprint using the Raid, without opening an additional window:
Warehouse - Find - Campaign.
  • Fixed layout on widescreen devices.
  • Fixed bug with drop refresh from the pirates β€” players discovered and used a vulnerability that allowed you to choose convenient rewards for fighting with Pirates on the maps of the episodes, the bug is fixed, this time no punishment will follow, but in the future for the use of such not conceived by the developers 'tricks' will be bans.
  • Fixed an error with the passage of unavailable missions of Episode 8 β€” players discovered and used the vulnerability, which allowed to pass the elite missions of Episode 8, a significant advantage while not received, so the error is fixed without unpleasant consequences for the players.

Known update bugs

  • Incorrect display of the Desecrator faction in the Fleet Selection Window β€” it is actually an Alien faction ship, ships interact with it as with the enemy of the Alien faction, in other windows display is correct.
  • The layering of faction and class icons in the Swarm Queen window is an Alien faction tank ship, and also in the same window an increased relative to the frame avatar of the main designer of the new Flash ship.
  • The first time you click the 'Exchange' button in Return of the Queen event store, the store itself is not displayed, when you re-enter it, it is in place.

Please update the version of the application from your store to correctly install all the changes.

Let the stars bring you luck! Star Conflict Heroes team.