December 21, 2020

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However, excess phosphates hinder the body Nootropictech Mind Tech BrainTrial Review from absorbing and utilizing other essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc. These minerals are often found to be lacking in children with ADHD, and a phosphate excess may be the root of the problem.

Several decades ago, food manufacturers started including phosphates in all sorts of foods for their versatile function. They work as emulsifying agents to keep fat in one place (e.g., cheese spreads, canned soups), they improve the texture of pastries and baked goods (when used in the form of baking soda), they enhance the taste of foods (e.g. soft drinks), and they thicken sauces(e.g., gravy and ketchup). Phosphates are also found in many processed instant meals, which are consumed more and more in Western countries due to the fast-paced lifestyle.

The phosphate-free diet was formulated several years ago by German pharmacist Hertha Hafer. She discovered that removing phosphates from the diets of children with ADHD resulted in improved behavior, better school performance, and many other improvements. Implementing a low-phosphate diet is trickier than most, because many natural foods like nuts are high in phosphates. Here are some suggestions from Hertha Hafer on how to follow a low-phosphate diet.