May 26, 2020

Steve Trahanas - Skills to Become a Rockstar in Digital Marketing

Technology is continuously evolving, prompting marketers and entrepreneurs to dive into digital marketing to increase brand awareness, reach their target market, and ultimately drive sales and profit.

Steve Trahanas says not a lot of business owners or professionals have the right skills necessary to succeed in the craft. As a result, they fail to offer the best email marketing service and produce content that’s personalized to their specific market. In effect, their digital campaigns seem half-baked to their audience.

Fret not. Digital marketing skills can be learned with patience, hard work, and determination. You can train yourself to acquire the unique skills needed to launch effective digital marketing campaigns for your brand.

1. Data Analysis

Today, data analytics tools are widely available, giving marketers the information they need to understand customers and target them with the right messages.

Data analytics refers to the use of functional techniques and modern software to collect and process extensive collections of data from various online interactions of your target market. These interactions come in different forms such as online transactions, content consumed, search queries, and other online footprints relevant to your business.

2. Writing and Editing Skills

At the heart of digital marketing is content. Writing and editing are more than just producing articles for blog posts and landing pages. It’s about connecting with your target audience using relevant messages and convincing them to take your desired action.

Of course, having relevant and well-written copy and content is a must for every digital marketer. But, what can help optimize it is creatively incorporating SEO keywords into it. Keyword optimization will help your content rank on search engines so your audience can find it.

3. SEO and SEM Skills

A well-written blog post or newsletter is useless if the right people don’t find it. Remember, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are the strategies responsible for driving traffic to your website. A deeper understanding of it translates to better execution of your marketing strategies.

Steve Trahanas says Google’s algorithm is constantly upgrading, and the importance of using relevant and specific keywords have reached a new high. With the worldwide web becoming more crowded each day, it’s important to stay updated and be fully aware of the latest algorithm updates and factors that affect search ranking. At the same time, marketers need to strategically consider those algorithms in their content creation and distribution strategies to attract and engage people.

4. Listening Skills

One common error brands tend to make is focusing too much on creating and promoting content. As a result, they fail to establish a good relationship with their customers, who are supposed to be the evangelists or promoters of their business.

Effective content creation is founded on the data you gathered and analyzed to help you determine the information your target audience is looking for and how they want it delivered to them. If you want to be an excellent digital marketer, know that the design, the information, and the way you market your content are crucial.

5. Email Marketing Skills

Even if email marketing is considered as an old practice, it’s still one of the most effective ways to nurture a good relationship between you and your customers. So, think outside the box and provide the best email marketing service.

To be able to create a dynamic email marketing campaign, you must know and understand the right tools, metrics, and strategies. This includes analyzing click rates, identifying platform navigation, and running email campaigns.

6. Social Media Skills

Nowadays, the world of social media has become one big arena for public conversations. As a digital marketer, you can use that advantage to engage people with your business and inform them about your product or service.

You may already be familiar with social media because you’ve been personally using it since it first emerged. But, an effective digital marketer knows that there’s more to social media than just posting regularly and consistently.

Because businesses are now using social media to reach their target consumers, the platforms have significantly evolved to accommodate digital marketing needs. There’s social media advertising, boosted posts, hashtags, business pages, groups, and more. Indeed, there’s a lot to learn.