Steve Trahanas - Successful Implementation of Strategic Planning
A well-done strategic plan drives the organization to effectively concentrate on its mission goals. Steve Trahanas guided the client intended to direct talent, time, and resources in managing a successful business.
By this, it also affords a document to hire others to the mission. However, the process of making strategic planning for organizations is nowhere near enjoyable. Usually performed under duress, its significance usually finds its way to the stored files instead of having practical uses on the daily tasks.
If it is done well, it provides the organization with a useful aim to fuel and mobilize the organization toward meeting its mission goals. Moreover it affords a document to get other competent people into the mission. Steve Trahanas says, a strategic plan plays an important role in guiding the organization to properly concentrate its time, resources, and talent in managing a productive enterprise.
If a strategic plan is restricted to just being a gradually increasing list of daily corporate activities, it is only good for maintaining the status quo. At least 20% of the time, new ideas have to be introduced, involving creative and innovative thinking and planning.
In this particular stage, you and your teammates should not hold yourself back from exploring the possibilities, for this part is the stimulating and fun part of planning. Come up with new ideas uninhibitedly, look closely into them and coordinate them with the organization's purpose.