Pharmacists Create Meaningful Interaction by Understanding Different Generational Needs
1. Children
They are actually unaware of their medications as every aspect of their healthcare is organized by their parents. So , they constitute most complex generation for the pharmacists as they can not communicate with them directly in many cases.
As they are unaware of drug handling, so they have the maximum risk of medication errors.
In 2025-16, ten conditions accounted for 42% of all emergency admissions for children and young people in the UK.
So, it is important to make them aware about their medications and teach them drug handling wherever possible. Communicating with children , involving them in their medication process will impact significantly on their adherence.
Often, children remain absent when their parents communicate and collect medication from the pharmacists. So, he/she gets prevented from receiving counselling by community pharmacists.
So, although communicating with parents is necessary, but involving children, in this process will have a beneficiary impact.
Pharmacists must have good communication skills. Its important to attract and engage children through your communication skills.
When, talking to their parents about the child’s medication, pharmacists should include the following.
Make sure that parents understand thoroughly about the medications and supplement with knowledge if needed,
Ensure that parents are fully aware of the common adverse effect of medicines and know what to do in those situations.
Explain them properly what to do if the child missses any doze,
2. Young mass
THIS generation is more digital. They prefer digital conversations, online provisions of medicines and other products. So its important for the pharmacists to be well aware about this.
You can apply digital marketing to attract these generation as most of the pharmacy companies are doing like 3MED.
You can go through social medias to get connected with these young mass. Its important to talk to them, to communicate with
them properly in order to know their problems better.
This generation is actually interested to buy healthcare products online.
This young mass always look for online medicine suppliers , so you can target them as your customer through internet.
This young mass actually manage their medications by their own without the help of their parents. So, it is extremely important for the pharmacists to make them well aware about the medication dozes, its adverse effects etc.
The pharmacists should ensure that his customer is well aware about what to do in case he skips any doze, in case he got any side effect from the medication etc.
3. Adult
This generation is more or less consists of working professionals. So, they are extremely busy in their professional field. As they are taking care of their medication by their own, so there is more chances of missing dozes, taking wrong medicines etc due to their hactic schedule.
So it’s the duty of the pharmacists to make them properly aware about the medication, its dozes, its timing etc. It will help them taking the medication properly.
Pharmacists can create meaningful health care interactions with different generations in different way by using their effective communication skills. Its important to approach different generations in different way because their needs, their preferences are different.